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Reimagining Smart Buildings: The Case for Breaking Down Silos

In a lively July 2024 discussion on Monday Live, industry experts delved into the complexities of integrating building silos, exploring the potential of various applications and the challenges of interoperability. The conversation centered on creating a matrix to assess the relevance of different building systems for various applications, sparking debate about the scoring system and revealing the vast, untapped potential of integrated building data. The discussion highlighted the need for open, accessible data and affordable integration solutions to drive innovation and ultimately transform the smart building landscape.

MondayLive! dips into the complexities of integrating building silos, exploring the potential of various applications and the challenges of interoperability.

The conversation centers on creating a matrix to assess the relevance of different building systems for multiple applications, questions about the scoring system, and revealing the untapped potential of integrated building data and the need for open, accessible data and affordable integration solutions to drive innovation and transform the smart building landscape.

Key takeaways

  1. Importance of Apps: The group decided to focus on apps as a way to frame the discussion of silo integration. Apps are seen as personal, specialized, accessible, scalable, and secure, making them a relevant lens for understanding how people interact with systems in the 21st century.
  2. Matrix Framework: A matrix was created to map out the relationship between different silos (architecture, engineering, HVAC, etc.) and potential applications (HVAC supervisor, energy management, meeting room scheduling, etc.). The matrix aimed to assess the relevance of each silo for each application using a scoring system.
  3. Scoring Challenges: The discussion revealed the difficulty of assigning scores due to the varying perspectives and potential use cases for each application. The group debated whether to use a binary system (yes or no) instead of a numerical score to indicate the relevance of each silo.
  4. Future Possibilities: The conversation highlighted the vast possibilities that could emerge from silo integration. Participants agreed that the current matrix only scratches the surface of potential applications, as integrated data could lead to innovative and unforeseen solutions.
  5. Integration Barriers: The discussion also touched upon the barriers to integration, including cost, complexity, and the need for standardization. Participants emphasized the importance of making integration affordable, accessible, and user-friendly to drive wider adoption.
  6. The Importance of Interoperable Data: The group consistently emphasized the need for open, interoperable data to unlock the full potential of building silo integration. This would enable the development of new applications, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall building experience.

Overall, the transcript reveals a lively and insightful conversation about the complexities and opportunities surrounding building silo integration. The discussion underscores the need for a shift in mindset towards data sharing and collaboration to unlock the full potential of smart building.
