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Meet Your Industry Associations; Fueling Our Community and Innovation

In the dynamic world of smart buildings, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Industry associations offer a valuable resource for professionals seeking to expand their knowledge, network, and business opportunities. Many newcomers, although they lack direct experience working in the BAS industry, have a strong understanding of smart technology and grew up with early home automation. The new talent we bring into the industry may also be separated by 6 degrees, highlighting the interconnectedness of our professional networks.
  • ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers): ASHRAE develops standards and guidelines that shape the design and operation of buildings. Their publications and conferences, such as the renowned AHR Expo, are indispensable for staying current with best practices. Mark your calendars for the AHR Expo 2025, a prime opportunity to connect with industry leaders and discover cutting-edge technologies. Follow on LinkedIn
    Our founder, Ken Sinclair, is a life member of ASHRAE and Past president of the local chapter.
  • ASHB (The Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings) research and networking prospects by joining a vibrant community of nearly 300 member companies engaged in the smart buildings and homes sector. Their diverse membership includes OEMs, software developers, master integrators, building developers, owners, and facility managers. They also boast a strong representation from government bodies, research institutions, other business associations, conference organizers, and media outlets. Their site has excellent resources, such as ASHB Research Program fact sheet Follow ASHB on LinkedIn
  • CGNA (Control Group North America): CGNA fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange within the smart building community. They offer educational resources, events, and certifications to help professionals enhance their skills. Follow CGNA on LinkedIn
  • LonMark International is a non-profit organization championing interoperability in building automation systems through open, multi-vendor standards. By joining LonMark, companies in the BAS industry gain access to a wider selection of compatible devices, streamline installations, and benefit from increased market visibility. They have great resources, including LonMark Interoperability Guidelines. Follow on LinkedIn
  • Project Haystack: Project Haystack is an Open Source endeavour aimed at simplifying the management of IoT data. It establishes standardized semantic data models and web services to facilitate the extraction of valuable insights from the extensive data produced by smart devices in our homes, workplaces, factories, and urban areas. This initiative supports applications such as automation, control systems, energy management, HVAC, lighting, and various environmental systems. Check out the docs and forum on their site. Follow on LinkedIn

How These Associations Can Improve Your Business and help your team level up:

  • Access to Expertise: Industry associations provide a platform to connect with experts and thought leaders in the smart building field. This can lead to valuable partnerships, mentorship opportunities, and insights into emerging trends.
  • Educational Resources: Associations offer rich educational content, including webinars, workshops, and publications. This allows you to expand your knowledge base and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Networking Opportunities: Association-organized conferences, events, and online forums provide excellent opportunities to meet potential clients, partners, and employers. Building relationships is crucial for business growth.
  • Industry Recognition: Certifications and awards from reputable associations can enhance your credibility and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.
  • Influence on Standards: By participating in association committees and working groups, you can contribute to developing industry standards, shaping the future of the smart building landscape.
  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: The smart building industry is constantly evolving. Commit to continuous learning by taking advantage of the educational resources associations offer.
  • Build a Strong Network: Attend industry events like the AHR Expo and engage with peers online to cultivate relationships and expand your professional circle.
  • Stay Informed: Subscribe to newsletters, read industry publications, and follow relevant social media accounts to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies.
  • Seek Mentorship: Connect with experienced professionals who can offer guidance and support as you navigate your career path.

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