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Composting Digital Manure into Digital Mature

The other day, we talked about finally becoming digitally mature. I have always wondered who and what I would be when I finally grew up.

What does the digitally mature person see after over 50 years in the direct digital industry?

We have dropped many digital cow plops that map our digital journey.

I started my career over 50 years ago, starting in 1975, in the direct digital control DDC Revolution.

The DDC industry is now less about control and more about communicating with large amounts of data.

Direct Digital Communication is the new DDC.

1975 the first digital control and software programming replaced conventional analog controls. The industry then rapidly transitioned from mainframe computers to microprocessors. Then, 25 years ago, the new DDC industry collided with the newly evolving internet. We worked our way through puberty. The last 25 years in the last few years have seen us embrace the Cloud.

As an industry, we have created a lot of digital manure that now needs composting into digital maturity.

We now have the tools with chip computer edge devices, cloud-native communication, and rapid AI execution at the edge.

We need to rapidly compost all this history and connection to help build the necessary digitally mature environments we need.

In this YouTube video, Keith Gibson explains the value and power of digital maturity moving forward.

Give his words a listen, and click on the link below.

What is Digital Maturity? Keith Gipson does a great job explaining as part of our Zoom session.
