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Take a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time.

Today is Monday September 2nd, 2024 – Labor Day! Millions of Americans are off work, thanks to their employers extending this federal holiday to their teams. An entire nation of individuals who got the workday off today are collectively celebrating getting just an extra 8 hours to themselves. That’s how precious our time is, especially on the job. Our app gives users a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time...

Today is Monday September 2nd, 2024 – Labor Day! Millions of Americans are off work, thanks to their employers extending this federal holiday to their teams. An entire nation of individuals who got the workday off today are collectively celebrating getting just an extra 8 hours to themselves. That’s how precious our time is, especially on the job.

It turns out that the more complex and risk burdened your career is, the more you need a break from thinking rather than doing. Engineers can have low physical demands in the workplace, but remain absolutely wiped out mentally by the math, coordination of multiple software options and accountability procedures required to do high quality, accurate work.

Bidtracer is a cloud-based software designed for contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers to manage bidding, project management, and CRM in one place. The app gives engineers more time to think about creative solutions, sustainability, and meeting client goals – instead of managing mounds of documents and missed deadlines.

The gift of time in using a CRM that automates engineering and estimating will change the way you do business with clients, allowing everyone to work more efficiently. It’s a permanent vacation from antiquated procedures and errors caught too late. Here’s what you can look forward to with Bidtracer:

1. Streamlined Bidding Process

    • Centralized Bid Management: Bidtracer helps centralize all bid information in one place, allowing users to track bid opportunities, submissions, deadlines, and responses easily.
    • Automated Communication: The software automates bid invitations, reminders, and follow-ups, saving time on administrative tasks.
    • Historical Data Access: Bidtracer enables users to access past bids and project data, helping inform future bids and improve success rates.

    2. Improved Project Management

      • Document Control: Users can store and manage all project-related documents, such as RFPs, contracts, and blueprints.
      • Task Management: The app provides tools to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, ensuring projects stay on schedule.
      • Real-Time Collaboration: Unlike any other solution, multiple team members and stakeholders globally can collaborate on submittal contents in real-time, improving coordination and communication.

      3. Enhanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

        • Client and Vendor Tracking: Bidtracer helps users manage and track relationships with clients, vendors, and suppliers, maintaining records of calls, emails, past interactions and performance.
        • Follow-Up Automation: The CRM functionality automates reminders and follow-up communications, reducing the chance of missed opportunities.
        • Detailed Analytics: The app also provides insights into customer and vendor activities, allowing for more strategic decision-making.

        4. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings

          • Cloud-Based Access: Being cloud-based, Bidtracer allows users to access information from any mobile device, improving flexibility and reducing the need for paperwork.
          • Reduction in Errors: Automation in bid tracking, project management, and communication reduces the potential for human error, improving overall accuracy and efficiency every single day.
          • Time Savings: By automating repetitive tasks and offering easy access to information, Bidtracer saves time for project managers and team members in every phase.

          5. Better Compliance and Risk Management

            • Compliance Tracking: Our software makes it clear that all projects comply with regulatory requirements, tracking necessary documentation and approvals.
            • Risk Mitigation: By providing a clear view of ongoing projects, deadlines, and budgets, Bidtracer helps identify potential risks early, allowing for proactive management.

            6. Customizability and Scalability

              • Tailored to Industry Needs: Bidtracer can be customized to suit specific needs of contractors, manufacturers, and their clients – who are forever free to add, providing flexibility in how it is used.
              • Scalable Solution: As a business grows, the software can scale with it, allowing for more users, larger projects, and more complex workflows without losing efficiency.

              Contractors – celebrating Labor Day is great, and we know your team appreciates the time they got today. But you can give every client facing role a permanent vacation from the stress of doing things “the old way”, by providing an affordable solution that was made specifically for construction.

              Our software and everything it does for contractors will be on display at the NECA Conference in San Diego this month, September 28 – October 1st. Be sure to stop by our booth and connect with the team!   
