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Traffic report

27,208 backlinks, 4,267 domains

By sponsoring, you can achieve a range of marketing and business objectives, including increased brand awareness, lead generation, thought leadership, and industry networking.

Unique Visitors: Mar – May 2024

Targeted Audience: Reach a highly relevant audience of industry professionals, including building owners, facility managers, system integrators, and engineers, who are actively seeking solutions for smart building automation.

April 2024 Total Visitors 5.9K Unique Visitors 5.8K Pages / Visit 1.03 Backlinks 27.4K

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Thought Leadership: Position your brand as a thought leader in the industry by contributing articles, white papers, and case studies that showcase your expertise and solutions.

Referring Domains 4.3K

Support a Valuable Resource: Contribute to the sustainability of a valuable industry resource that provides free educational content and fosters collaboration among professionals. AutomatedBuildings Content goes back 25 years!
