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Breaking Down Silos in Building Automation: Insights from Monday Live!


In the ever-evolving landscape of building automation, staying current with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. The “Monday Live! July 22, 2024” session offered valuable insights into the world of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and BAS (Building Automation Systems), highlighting a key theme: the importance of breaking down silos within building automation to enhance communication, integration, and innovation.

The Challenge of Silos in Building Automation

The conversation began with an emphasis on the concept of “silos” in building automation – the isolated pockets of data and functionality that hinder a holistic approach to building management. Ken Sinclair, a prominent industry figure, expressed concern that these silos impede progress and limit the potential of building automation.

A Call for Open Standards and Integration

The discussion centered on the need for greater interoperability between building systems. While companies like Siemens are launching new products like “Building X,” there’s a growing sentiment that these should prioritize open standards over proprietary solutions. Johnson Controls’ foray into autonomous buildings also highlights the industry’s movement towards more integrated, data-driven approaches.

The Role of Cloud-Native Solutions

Cloud-native solutions were identified as a key enabler of integration and data sharing in building automation. However, challenges must be addressed to ensure these solutions adhere to open standards and avoid becoming proprietary systems.

Addressing Standards and Industry Adoption

The video discussed the importance of establishing and promoting standards for building automation. There was a discussion about the role of various organizations like ASHRAE and the need to get buy-in from building owners and consulting engineers for widespread adoption.

Tools for Data Integration

Ken Sinclair showcased a data dictionary called Haystack as an example of a tool that can help bridge the gaps between different systems and facilitate data integration. This highlighted the importance of developing practical tools and solutions to make integration more accessible for everyone in the industry.


The “Monday Live!” session highlighted the ongoing challenges and opportunities in the building automation industry. The conversation underscored the importance of breaking down data silos, embracing open standards, and developing practical tools to enable seamless integration between different building systems. The industry can move towards a more efficient, innovative, and collaborative future by addressing these challenges.
