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The Reinvention Convention AHR Expo Atlanta

As the event comes closer my words are haunting me: what will a reinvention convention look like?

We are all working towards a reinvented presence at AHR Expo in Atlanta, but it is reinvention is tough. Reinvention begets more reinvention, so every presentation and product idea sparks radical new thoughts and new ways of doing. We need to clearly understand the reinvented vision each presenter brings. They are not talking about what we have done, but what we are now going to do. I started this discussion and conversation a while back, but as the event comes closer my words are haunting me: what will a reinvention convention look like? 
As we work hard at adding faces to each session’s panel and presenters, the conversation keeps evolving into what will be our actual presentation in Feb 2023.

Turning Chaos into Creative Change

Join our 12 free education sessions in Atlanta. Remote anywhere work, the radical change in the use of existing infrastructures, and the evolving online economies all cry for the reinvention of “virtually” everything. This can create Chaos—but also presents an amazing opportunity for Creative Change. You will want to be part of these changes. (And here let me add a quick tip of the hat to our sponsors who make the event possible:

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