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Call for Contributions

Project Haystack Fall 2023 Connections Magazine

We are excited to announce that the Fall 2023 Connections Magazine is in development and we are issuing a Call for Contributed Articles from the community providing Haystack-compatible products and solutions around the world. It is scheduled to be published in October 2023. Connections Magazine, published bi-annually, documents how the Project Haystack community is applying or implementing the Haystack Tagging methodology in the building and facilities management industry. Facility owners, operators, managers and service companies recognize that a standardized approach to semantic data modeling is key to overcoming the hurdles related to effectively using the data produced by the built environment.The Project Haystack Connections Magazine has become a valuable resource for people and businesses interested in Project Haystack including the supporting hardware, software and services that are making data more valuable. Here is your opportunity to reach them with your knowledge and expertise about the use cases and implementation of the Project Haystack methodology.In case you missed it, the September 2022 Issue of Haystack Connections Magazineis over 60 pages of product and services ads, articles, insight, product features, updates on Project Haystack Working Groups, and lots of re-tweets. You can download the September 2022 Issue of Haystack Connections Magazine and any previous issues at Project Haystack Connections Magazines.

Articles in past issues of Connections Magazine are submitted by end users, including design consultants, commissioning experts, smart building consultants, property managers and developers – all of whom are meeting the demand for smarter, interoperable solutions. Project Haystack Working Groups provide updates to their work and as always, there will be sections dedicated to Tools for Developers and Integrators, How to Get Involved, a curation of social media about Project Haystack Member Projects, Practices and Products, and a directory of all Project Haystack Members. We look forward to hearing your story!

We hope the Haystack community from around the world will take this opportunity to contribute an article, a use case, or news item to be included in the Fall 2023 Issue of Connections Magazine.Connections Magazine Fall 2023 Issue Article Submission DeadlinesARTICLE ABSTRACTS: September 1, 2023
FINAL ARTICLES: October 1, 2023
PUBLISHING DATE: Mid-Late October 2023
To submit an Abstract of your Article online for review and approval, clicking here, or email it to me at view past issues of Connections Magazineclick here.Thank you again for your continued support!
Best Regards,Robin Bestel
Editor, Connections Magazine
Project Haystack
+1 610-428-5845