With the new demands for Data Centers that can run Generative AI-based applications appearing in more and more areas of the market, are existing Data
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With the new demands for Data Centers that can run Generative AI-based applications appearing in more and more areas of the market, are existing Data
There is a vacancy rate crisis in the middle of commercial real estate that has been festering and expanding since 2020. Some real estate “experts”
When it comes to leasing up commercial office space in buildings, more space is becoming available to a lesser-and-lesser demand: “the Reverse of Musical Chairs” .- James Carlini
Leading-edge Cities will NOT Maintain Their Position with Obsolete Infrastructure.We are in a post-Pandemic economy where there has been a paradigm shift happening in commercial
There is so much talk about cities making some big transformation into the “City of the Future” and becoming Smart Cities, but all of it
INTERVIEW WITH JAMES CARLINI & Ken Sinclair “Most Office Buildings are Technologically Obsolete and Need Real Updates if They are to Compete in a Shrinking
With the new demands for Data Centers that can run Generative AI-based applications appearing in more and more areas of the market, are existing Data
There is a vacancy rate crisis in the middle of commercial real estate that has been festering and expanding since 2020. Some real estate “experts”
When it comes to leasing up commercial office space in buildings, more space is becoming available to a lesser-and-lesser demand: “the Reverse of Musical Chairs” .- James Carlini
Leading-edge Cities will NOT Maintain Their Position with Obsolete Infrastructure.We are in a post-Pandemic economy where there has been a paradigm shift happening in commercial
There is so much talk about cities making some big transformation into the “City of the Future” and becoming Smart Cities, but all of it
INTERVIEW WITH JAMES CARLINI & Ken Sinclair “Most Office Buildings are Technologically Obsolete and Need Real Updates if They are to Compete in a Shrinking
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