Craig DiLouie

Craig DiLouie, LC, CLCP is education director for the Lighting Controls Association, a NEMA council dedicated to educating the professional lighting community about lighting control technology and application. Visit the Lighting Controls Association to read articles, keep up with news and products from members, and learn about all aspects of lighting control at Education Express, a series of free online courses recognized by AIA, NCQLP, NALMCO, CALCTP, NLCAA, DLC, and the State of California.

2023 Rebate Outlook

Craig DiLouie is education director for the Lighting Controls Association. In 2023, commercial lighting rebates remain a strong driver for adoption of energy-efficient lighting and

D4i: Standardizing Luminaire-Level Control

The DALI Alliance recently extended DALI-2, which standardizes interoperability and control of LED drivers and sensors, with D4i, a version that more finely addresses the needs of the Internet of Things, which calls for individual device addressability, connectivity, and two-way data exchange.

2023 Rebate Outlook

Craig DiLouie is education director for the Lighting Controls Association. In 2023, commercial lighting rebates remain a strong driver for adoption of energy-efficient lighting and

D4i: Standardizing Luminaire-Level Control

The DALI Alliance recently extended DALI-2, which standardizes interoperability and control of LED drivers and sensors, with D4i, a version that more finely addresses the needs of the Internet of Things, which calls for individual device addressability, connectivity, and two-way data exchange.