About AutomatedBuildings.com

Since 1999 AutomatedBuildings.com has been an on line magazine and web resource.  We provide the news and connection to the community of change agents that are creating our present definition of smart, intelligent, integrated, connected, green, and converged large buildings. Our virtual magazine and web resource provides a searchable platform for discussion and exchange while creating opportunities for B2B for all new and existing stakeholders.

Please send comments and suggestions to: news@automatedbuildings.com

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The site is set up to provide current news and information with easy access to the evolutionary/revolutionary web sites in our industry.

http://www.automatedbuildings.com is an online magazine created monthly with new articles, columns, interviews, reviews, and new products.

We hope you like what we are doing.  If you do, "tell a colleague in the industry".  If you don't like what we are doing, or know of a better way for us to achieve our goals, tell us via email and we will try to incorporate your suggestions in our site.

AutomatedBuildings.com is intended to be an interactive process to bind our industry.

I wish us all luck in the development of your resource AutomatedBuildings.com.

Ken & Jane Sinclair


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