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The rapid changing Automated Building industry has always required that all players be constantly re-educating themselves-

Automate Processes for Better Project Management

Eliminate the need for using Excel or Project – provide calculations and complete project-specific tasks automatically around the clock. We outlined some of the most important benefits of using a CRM like Bidtracer for project management and putting spreadsheets in your past for good.

data silos in smarter buildings

Integrating Building Silos: A Deep Dive into Data and Use Cases

This post explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating various building systems, or “silos,” to achieve greater efficiency and functionality. It emphasizes the importance of understanding use cases and user requirements to unlock the value of data generated by these systems. By focusing on specific use cases and establishing standards for data exchange, the building industry can move towards a more integrated and efficient ecosystem, benefiting tenants, operations teams, and asset managers alike. The TXO (Total Cost of Ownership) framework provides a useful tool for prioritizing investments in data integration and maximizing financial benefits.

Contractors: Lower insurance premiums with a better CRM

The legal landscape is not lined with scenic trees unfortunately. You know as a contractor what is required for you to protect sensitive data on behalf of your clients. Or do you? Ensure total information protection and reduce liability, and therefore claims and premium increases, by protecting your data in every phase of the project from engineering to close out.


Monday Live June 24th, The key takeaways

Review and discussion of last week’s /IBcon in Tampa, with a special focus on the pre-con presentation ML and C4SB TLDR: The key takeaways from

ACCURACY in Estimating

A large contractor could be losing hundreds of billable hours a day across their workforce due to delivering service work that should have been billed separately, or in addition to the current project. Bidtracer generates multiple quotes quickly from the field, within the app in real time, so you’ll never lose track of all those one-off billable hours.

“The Talent Gap”

During the Smart Building Integrator Summit at Realcomm Events #Ibcon General Manager, Brian Oswald moderated a panel including Lewis Martin, LMC, Russ Holton, Bedrock Detroit,

Budgeting for Construction Software

Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of delivering an exceptional project to lose the primary role to a competitor with better infrastructure.

Automate Processes for Better Project Management

Eliminate the need for using Excel or Project – provide calculations and complete project-specific tasks automatically around the clock. We outlined some of the most important benefits of using a CRM like Bidtracer for project management and putting spreadsheets in your past for good.

data silos in smarter buildings

Integrating Building Silos: A Deep Dive into Data and Use Cases

This post explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating various building systems, or “silos,” to achieve greater efficiency and functionality. It emphasizes the importance of understanding use cases and user requirements to unlock the value of data generated by these systems. By focusing on specific use cases and establishing standards for data exchange, the building industry can move towards a more integrated and efficient ecosystem, benefiting tenants, operations teams, and asset managers alike. The TXO (Total Cost of Ownership) framework provides a useful tool for prioritizing investments in data integration and maximizing financial benefits.

Contractors: Lower insurance premiums with a better CRM

The legal landscape is not lined with scenic trees unfortunately. You know as a contractor what is required for you to protect sensitive data on behalf of your clients. Or do you? Ensure total information protection and reduce liability, and therefore claims and premium increases, by protecting your data in every phase of the project from engineering to close out.


Monday Live June 24th, The key takeaways

Review and discussion of last week’s /IBcon in Tampa, with a special focus on the pre-con presentation ML and C4SB TLDR: The key takeaways from

ACCURACY in Estimating

A large contractor could be losing hundreds of billable hours a day across their workforce due to delivering service work that should have been billed separately, or in addition to the current project. Bidtracer generates multiple quotes quickly from the field, within the app in real time, so you’ll never lose track of all those one-off billable hours.

“The Talent Gap”

During the Smart Building Integrator Summit at Realcomm Events #Ibcon General Manager, Brian Oswald moderated a panel including Lewis Martin, LMC, Russ Holton, Bedrock Detroit,

Budgeting for Construction Software

Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of delivering an exceptional project to lose the primary role to a competitor with better infrastructure.