Article - July 2001
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Entering Our Third Year

Entering Our Third Year Title

As we move into the third year of our online resource and our Ezine "The Automator" we reflect on our growth and the tremendous industry support. We are pleased to be evolving into your Automated Building Industry resource, providing news and information services. We cannot overly express our thanks to our advertisers/sponsors without whose support we would not be. I believe that their ongoing investment in us is starting to pay back as referrals from our advertisers' ads are increasing, plus we are often quoted by other publications as the source for Automated Building information.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]We have become by default, the industry's Business-to-Business "B2B" site. Traditional vendors are finding new dealers to sell and install their products, plus new industry players are forging relationships. New players to the industry using our services are able to get a sense of the shape and size of our industry and who the shakers and movers are. Our want ad sections allows new people to find industry positions as well as allows companies to find other companies to expand their horizons. The suppliers of the myriad of bits and pieces necessary to weave together complex building automation are now finding a good vehicle to reach their highly targeted markets. Daily the pages/screens of our Ezine/Magazine tell the unfolding industry stories of the rapid evolution on a global basis.

Our latest feature "email interviews" from the industry seems to be yet another online vehicle to communicate valuable opinions and information. The quick, informal medium allows busy industry leaders another method to convey their attitudes and thoughts, while allowing editorial control over content so that they do not inadvertently give the wrong message.

Our eDucation section, online with our May issue, has been well received. It points at the power and the necessity of web based training. Our intention is to link all the rapidly growing online relative eDucation and eTraining information.

We have been complemented on our quality of editorial content. Again, I thank the industry for their support and taking the time to provide excellent educational articles on their views of the exciting changes in our industry. We cannot wait for books to be written about what is happening to our industry, but through our articles, interviews, news releases, and new products we keep each other informed.

The international flavour of our publication pleases us. The success that we have had bringing the building automation industry together on a global basis is fantastic. Of course, without the free global media of the Internet none of this would be possible. We are extremely proud and pleased to be part of the industry global cross-pollination of information. It is interesting how we all are watching each other looking for the answers, but are finding that no one person or company has yet solved the puzzle. As we gather the pieces the total picture of our future automation systems becomes clearer.

Our May stats for the web site showed 14,344 user sessions served with 6,502 unique IP addresses and 176,163 hits examined.

Thank you industry for your support. We will endeavour to keep the information accessible and flowing in our third and subsequent years.

Ken Sinclair, Editor

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