Review - July 2001
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Intelligent Building Research
from Finland

Connections to research papers on how occupants view Intelligent Buildings.

The following research papers were submitted by Mervi Lehto, Senior Research Scientist VTT Building and Transport, Energy Systems and Building Automation.  Although the research is dated it provides insight into how occupants view Intelligent Buildings and Telematics  A quote from one of the papers "Balancing the human need to control one's own environment, and the human desire to have it made as easy as possible has proved to be not that simple. A reason for this might be the use of new integrated technology in many intelligent buildings, and designers and constructors are not yet mastering it well enough." 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]The Resources of The Productive Office - Women's and Men's Opinions on Telematics and Intelligent Building Features Mervi Lehto

Telematics and building features for intelligent offices are designed keeping in mind the comfort of the work environment and work efficiency. In this study different user groups in intelligent buildings (IB) and in other high quality offices have been evaluating the technology which they are using. The difference between these two types office speaks in favour of the intelligent building. Of the groups surveyed, female supervisors in the IBs consider telematics the most effective, more so than their male collegues, female and male, experts or office workers. Female experts in the IBs cannot employ telematics as well as their colleagues in the other type of office. Men seem to get more advantages out of technical and IB features and they have bigger rooms than their female co-workers. Low salary, not being promoted and frequent sick leave are some factors underlying lower work satisfaction of women than that of men, which is emphasized among female experts in the IBs.


When the workers in twelve offices in the great Helsinki region were asked to evaluate their working environment's impact on the work effectiveness, they prefer the intelligent offices to the other high quality office buildings. A well known fact is, that the investment in indoor air in the working environment is worth while. From the user's point of view only three intelligent offices out of five have as good indoor air quality as that of the other type of high quality offices studied for comparison, and two of them make a not so good exception. Similar variations are found in the energy consumption figures. In addition, it is noticeable that office workers found their possibilities to influence to temperatures and air conditioning very poor.


A questionnaire study was carried out in order to evaluate the feasibility of intelligent office environment. Also, the cost benefit ratio of the intelligent building (IB) investments, the energy consumption and the potential of saving work related trips - due to the IB features and information and communication technology (ICT) facilities - were studied. Furthermore, the study included the indoor air measurements. The end users’ opinion and the calculations prove the construction according to the IB concept worthwhile.

POTENTIAL OF TELEMATICS IN PROFIT MAKING, A Questionnaire in Offices in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area  Mervi Lehto

[an error occurred while processing this directive]The feasibility of telematics or ICT can be witnessed first hand there, where it is already in use. In this case, the office workers were chosen to represent a group to evaluate the possibilities of ICT, for which in office stand office automation, telecommunication, building automation. The aim of evaluation was to find out, if the implementation of ICT has an effect on the working performance.

Supposedly, best impacts on the work effectiveness have the everyday office tools: personal computer, phone, printer, telecoping and email. Despite of the fact, the role of ICT depends on gender and working status, education and earnings. So far portable equipment and video conferencing are not frequently used. They become more important regarding ones' working performance, while you are well educated with good salary and on expert's or supervisor's status. Not even all highly educated office workers know their ICT aided working methods well enough to get the best out of them.

SMART HOUSE FEATURES IN THE HOMES OF ELDERLY - An End User Oriented Approach Mervi Lehto

The answers of attitude towards new technology are split into groups in order to recognise various end user needs. Two thirds of those who answered reported willingness to learn to use new technology, if needed. One tenth of them is already acquainted with new technology. A fifth of them does not want to have it at home, if possible. Safety is most important among elderly, as well as among all aged people. The same amount of elderly people - it is roughly one third - want have well equipped home office as the people of other age groups have. Elderly suppose to be served with information thanks to the new technology.

VTT BUILDING TECHNOLOGY - Intelligent building researchA holistic approach.

The Intelligent building concepts developed at the beginning of tbe 1980s formed the starting point for research carried out with in VTT since the spring of 1988.

Research data was needed for the construction of smart homes and intelligent office buildings. Now intelligent building concepts are becoming established as the target level for all buildings, and the focus has shifted to the innovation of sustainable solutions.

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