Article - March 2000
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Iowa Energy Center's
Direct Digital Controls Project

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AutomatedBuildings does a quick review of this useful site.

The purpose of this web site is to provide the public with unbiased information on Direct Digital Controls (DDC) and an easy searchable guide to vendors who sell DDC systems.

This is the start of a great information web site resource that covers from the Basics to BACnet and Beyond. Overviews of various vendors' architecture diagrams plus linkage to vendor web site will increase everyone understanding of DDC. This site is a good example of purpose statement:

From the DDC Online web site

Purpose of this Guide
The purpose of this guide is to describe, in generic terms, the various architectures, hardware components and software associated with Direct Digital Control (DDC) systems. To accomplish this goal, a generic framework of the various components and configurations used in current DDC systems has been defined. This framework is used as a yardstick for several DDC manufacturers so readers may compare the relative features and benefits.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Both generic and specific information on DDC systems can be found here including: 

To accomplish this goal, a generic framework of the various components and configurations used in current DDC systems has been defined. This framework provides information on DDC manufacturers in a consistent format so readers can easily compare their relative features and benefits.

Sample of their information

What Is Control?
The process of controlling an HVAC system involves three steps. These steps include first measuring data, then processing the data with other information and finally causing a control action. These three functions make up what is known as a control loop. An example of this process is depicted in Figure 1.

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