March 2021

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A Conversation with Melissa Dziuawiec, President and CFO, Lynxspring.

EMAIL INTERVIEWMarc Petock, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Lynxspring and contributor editor of Automated Building

talks with Lynxspring’s President and CFO, Melissa Dziuawiec,


melissaPetock:            What is your current role? How did you get here? 

Dziuawiec:  My current role is President/CFO of Lynxspring.  I started here 14 years ago as the Director of Accounting.  Since that time, I have earned several promotions and last year, was promoted to the President.

Petock:                What does your day-to-day job entail?

Dziuawiec:        My day-to-day activities include managing our sales, operations, marketing, and back office departments. One thing about each day, it is exciting and never the same. I spend quite a bit of time understanding our sales and marketing efforts, analyzing projections and budgets, and assisting the team with operational decisions.

Petock:                Melissa, what caused you to/when did you fall in love with an industry that is about buildings and facilities?

Dziuawiec:          I really enjoyed working for a company that was positively impacting the environment that so many people spend most of their days in.  The technology we develop and distribute is changing the way that individuals operate and function and impacts the quality of the person’s life while at work.

Petock:                What drives/motivates you each day?

Dziuawiec:        I’m motivated by helping others achieve their dreams.  As an executive in the company, I get to personally help our employees achieve their personal and professional goals.  I work for a company that has an amazing culture and that takes to heart, the idea that our best assets are our employees. 

Petock:                What has been the proudest moment in your career journey so far?

Dziuawiec:          I have to say being promoted to the President.  I felt like I worked hard to earn the respect of the leadership team as well as my coworkers.  I hold myself to a high standard and would never ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to do myself.  I am honored to be leading the company and as we work together, I am proud to be someone that employees trust.

Petock:                What is one thing no one knows about you?

Dziuawiec:          I tend to be very serious at work, so most people don’t know that I love social gatherings and parties.  I love hosting events at my house.  With the lockdowns this year, one of the things I miss the most is not being able to host any events.

Petock:                Who have been your mentor(s) who have helped you succeed and describe how they’ve shaped your success?

Dziuawiec:          On a personal level, my biggest mentor was my father.  He taught me a lot about personal integrity, having good character, and working hard.  He was always willing to do whatever it took to take care of our family.  So much of what we learn is from watching what people do and how they act, so I learned that you lead by doing, not just by saying.

Petock:                What challenges do women face in this profession? Can you give a personal example? Why aren’t there more women in our industry? How can we increase the number of women to our industry?

Dziuawiec:          From a personal perspective, I think some women may be intimidated by an industry that is predominantly male.  When I first started working at Lynxspring, there was only one other female at the company.   I quickly learned that I had to earn the respect of my coworkers by showing what I knew.  Although I didn’t have the industry knowledge yet, I was well versed in the back office.  I worked hard at learning the industry specific knowledge.  After showing I knew what I was doing, I built a lot of trust, and grew along the way, and eventually, became a true partner in the business.    

Petock:                What has been the most rewarding aspect of working in this industry?

Dziuawiec:          I absolutely love the changing technology.  The industry has so much to offer businesses and facility owners, that it is exciting to be a part of an industry that is making a difference.   

Petock:                What remains on your bucket list that you haven’t accomplished yet?

Dziuawiec:          Honestly, I don’t really have a bucket list.  I try to live every day like it might be my last.  I believe you work hard so you can play hard.  So, my family and I vacation as much as we can (which wasn’t much this year).  At some point, we would really like to attend the summer Olympics.  I’m not sure when that will happen, but that is something that I would love to do.

Petock:                What advice do you have for prospective women considering entering the field?

Dziuawiec:          My advice would be to find a mentor in the field.  So much of this industry is based on connections and people you know.  Find a mentor that can introduce you to the industry experts.  Focus on training and enhancing your skillset.  Knowledge really is power, so if you can increase what you know and become an expert in the field, doors will open.

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