Review - May 2001
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Build Products Virtually?
With DevelopOnline, you can immediately start working on your design by accessing working reference platforms and software modules online.

Editor Ken Sinclair takes a look at a web site that shows us a completely new way of bringing automation products to market.

I was made aware of this exciting new web site 

by Keith Sciulli <> at

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Who is ProSyst ? a leading provider of Service Gateway software, offering the most complete solution for the delivery of ProSystnetwork-based services, enabling a host of new control, information, measurement and entertainment services in any kind of networks. 

Their idea of a smarter world is: "In today’s world, we communicate with each other via our telephones, mobile phones, fax machines or email. We connect to the Internet via PCs, notebooks or handheld computers. Yet is this truly a Smart World?

Picture a world in which devices will be interactive and will proactively provide the end user with operational efficiency beyond imagination. Soon, any device will be used as a remote control or an administrator for information collecting, monitoring and the performing of simple tasks. By integrating them with the Internet, all devices will execute routine functions with little or no human intervention, simply with the touch of a button ... or automatically. We call this a Smart World.

Using the versatility and scalability inherent in the architecture of Java, ProSyst is building the foundation for an infinite open service gateway. This new connectivity will provide unlimited offerings of new products and services to an ever-changing and demanding world."

DevelopOnlineWho is DevelopOnline? an online site for innovators, engineers and programmers to build electronic products over the Internet

DevelopOnline has broken the rules of mass customization as a catalyst for electronic product innovation. By pioneering an online site for innovators, engineers and programmers to build electronic products over the Internet, DevelopOnline has collapsed the engineering cycle time and time to market initiatives.

With the mission to be the industry leader for electronic product innovation and a collaborative environment for the creation of next-generation, leading edge electronic products, DevelopOnline has initially targeted the emerging embedded Linux community. By providing an environment rich with rare hardware components, software building blocks and technical services, DevelopOnline provides users with instant access allowing them to speed product concepts to full scale production.

DevelopOnline's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) supports open systems platforms, provides space for developer collaboration, and supplies online tools for immediate testing of cutting-edge product designs and new-wave applications. This myriad of resources reduces development cycle time and forces open the doors to the next generation of intelligent electronic products.

Take a look at these site to see how products are now developed and seamless integrating into the Internet. 

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