Press Release - August 2000
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Working the Web: How EPCOR Energy Services Used the Internet to Deliver A Successful Energy Information Service to Top Customers

[an error occurred while processing this directive]In Canada, the province of Alberta will open its energy market to retail competition on January 1, 2001. In anticipation of this, Edmonton-based EPCOR Energy Services began exploring ways to deliver energy information services to top customers. The company, a an unregulated retail subsidiary of EPCOR, already offered load profiling software to commercial and industrial customers interested in analyzing their energy usage. However, as Product Manager Denise Chang-Yen notes, "The product was expensive and not all of our customers could afford it. We needed a way to reach more customers with this service." 

EPCOR began to research possible replacements, and soon found itself looking at online energy information services. "We wanted a tool that was cost-effective and ubiquitous–that naturally led us to Web-based solutions," explains EPCOR Project Manager Brian Gerdes. Ultimately, the company settled on Energy Profiler Online™ (EPO) provided by Energy Interactive (EI). "We evaluated a number of vendors, but we found Energy Interactive offered the most robust product. It is also very easy to learn and use, something we also considered to be important in selling the service to customers." Energy Profiler Online delivers load data and analysis tools to major energy customers from a secure area of their energy provider's Web site. EPCOR also became a licensed distributor of Energy Profiler™ for Windows®. The Windows® product acts as a helper application to the online service, providing users with the ability to perform scenario analysis and generate estimated bills based on their own usage data and any given pricing structure.

For more information about the Energy Profiler Online™ visit

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