Press Release - August 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]LONMARK® Interoperability Association Celebrates 300 Certified Products

Product Catalog Growth Reflects Rising Demand for Open, Interoperable LONWORKS® Based Systems

SUNNYVALE, CA -July 5, 2001-The LONMARK Interoperability Association is pleased to announce that its product catalog has grown dramatically, reiterating the fact that LONWORKS is a "de facto" standard in open interoperable controls and that using products with the LONMARK brand is the preferred way to ensure true open interoperability. Working together, Association members are driving the widespread use of open, interoperable control systems across industries and across the globe using Echelon Corporation's (NASDAQ: ELON) LONWORKS® networks, the leading system for networking everyday devices.

The LONMARK product catalog of certified devices now contains over 300 products that are eligible to carry the LONMARK logo, an indicator that a product has been designed and tested to interoperate over a LONWORKS network. This is a more than 35% growth since last year. Also in the pipeline for certification are more than 50 additional products, potentially bringing the total number of certified products to over 350 by the end of 2001.

"300 Certified products represents a major milestone for the LONMARK Interoperability Association and the growing market for open systems," says Kevin Lynch, Executive Director of the Association. "End-users and Systems Integrators are demanding LONMARK products. As more products become available, open systems based on LONWORKS become a logical choice for anyone looking to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by interoperability. The LONMARK logo on so many different products means that users can get complete end-to-end solutions eliminating the need for gateways and proprietary systems."

The most recent certified products are from members located around the globe and represent many types of applications. Association members with the newest certified products are: Belimo Automation AG, Honeywell AG, Lexel Finland Oy, and Telda Electronics. For more information about the recent certifications, Association members and the LONMARK product catalog please visit

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