Press Release - August 2001
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Power Measurement News

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Launches New Web Site to Support Enterprise Energy Management Solutions

VICTORIA, BC, Aug. 3, 2001 /CNW/ - Power Measurement, a leading provider of enterprise energy management systems, has unveiled its new corporate web site. The enhanced site supports Power Measurement's emphasis on energy management applications, and highlights some of the company's latest innovations, including the ION Enterprise(TM) energy management software, and a range of Internet-enabled energy and power quality meters offering web-ready features such as MeterM@il(R) e-mail messaging and WebMeter(TM) web browser access.

Partners with ComEd to Extend Enterprise Energy Management Solutions

VICTORIA, BC, Aug. 3, 2001 /CNW/ - Power Measurement, a leading provider of enterprise energy management systems, today announced a channel-partner agreement with ComEd of Chicago, Illinois. ComEd will offer Power Measurement's ION(R) hardware and software solutions as part of its suite of energy-focused products and services to industrial, commercial and institutional customers.

Web-Enabled ION® Power Meters by Power Measurement Use Modbus® Master Extend Reach Across Factory Floor

VICTORIA, BC (July 27, 2001) - Power Measurement, a leading provider of enterprise energy management systems, has added Modbus® master communications capability to its web-enabled ION 7500T and ION 7600T energy and power quality meters. The feature extends the "reach" of the meters' monitoring and control capabilities across a factory floor, within a utility substation, or throughout a commercial facility by integrating a network of Modbus-compatible devices. This provides facility managers, utility engineers and systems integrators with a low-cost solution for sub-metering, sub-feeder monitoring, or equipment monitoring and control.

Power Measurement Announces ION Enterprise(TM) Energy Management Software

VICTORIA, BC (July 25, 2001) - Power Measurement, a leading provider of enterprise energy management systems, today announced ION Enterprise(TM) web- enabled software, designed to help energy suppliers, service providers, and consumers take charge of the quality, reliability and cost of their electricity. The software offers a unique combination of energy information and control capabilities that can simultaneously address diverse needs ranging from billing, load aggregation and cost allocation, to power quality management and distributed generation. It leverages popular communications infrastructures - Internet, Ethernet, telephone, and wireless - to provide a high degree of accessibility, responsiveness and affordability.

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