Press Release - August 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]CBL Systems Corporation and TAC Announce Product Partnership 'Control By Light' Networks LonWorks® Building Controls with Fiber

HOPKINTON, Mass., and DALLAS, Texas, July 23, 2001 - CBL Systems Corporation and TAC Americas announced today that CBL's Control By Light™ Fiber Optic LonWorks®-based products will be distributed through the branch offices and independent certified reseller network of TAC, the world's fourth largest building automation company and fastest-growing global building controls supplier. 

A leader in Building IT - information technology for building management - TAC has named CBL Systems as a preferred provider of fiber optic solutions for networking and distributed sensing and control to its Peripheral Products Program. TAC selects third-party products that complement its core building controls to participate in the program, and makes them available to its 250 sales locations in 70 countries worldwide.

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TAC's Energy Solutions Wins Landmark Order

DALLAS - July 20, 2001 - TAC's Energy Solutions group has finalized an energy services contract with Texas Woman's University that exceeds US$19 million. TAC, the world's fourth largest building automation company, is a leader in Building IT™, which means information technology for building management. In September 2000, TAC acquired CSI Control Systems International Inc. of Dallas - now TAC Americas - doubling the size of the company and its customer base.

TWU's Board of Regents has approved the contract, which guarantees annual savings on the university's budgeted utilities of US$2.1 million. TAC's energy analyst team spent six months conducting a utility audit and analysis to determine the best comprehensive project for TWU; that audit estimates a simple payback on the university's investment in 7.6 years.

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