Press Release - December  2000
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]MILWAUKEE - (November 17, 2000) - Johnson Controls, Inc. has named Joan Givler vice president of information technology for its Controls business. Givler is responsible for the information technology (IT) initiatives that add value to products and services delivered to Johnson Controls customers. 

"Information technology is the backbone of both our business and e-business infrastructure. With her in-depth experience, Joan is a valuable addition to the Johnson Controls team," said Brian Stark, president of the Controls business at Johnson Controls. 

Givler, a New Berlin, Wis., resident, most recently served as vice president of finance and information technology at Wisconsin Gas Co., Milwaukee. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wis., and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

"IT is a wonderful tool for attaining efficiency," said Givler. "By promoting the effective use of deployed technology and by implementing our strategic initiatives, Johnson Controls can add tremendous value to the products and services delivered to customers."

Company sees efficiency, quality gains from online supply chain

MILWAUKEE - (November 10, 2000) - Johnson Controls, Inc. has launched a new electronic procurement system for purchasing everything from office supplies to computers throughout its Controls business offices and plants. 

The system, called eCounterlineTM, is expected to eliminate 500,000 manual transactions annually while speeding up purchasing and approval processes. The eCounterline system marks the first step in what will be a complete electronic supply chain at Johnson Controls. The company anticipates that all goods for its Controls business will be purchased online by the end of 2001.

"This system is a perfect example of how we're using Web-based technology to improve productivity and reduce costs," said Brian Stark, president of the Controls business at Johnson Controls. "We're embracing e-business initiatives to better serve our customers through enhancements in communications, collaboration and customization." 

The new online process is a dramatic departure from traditional procurement methods. Instead of paging through paper catalogs, filling out requisition forms and placing orders via telephone or fax, empowered Controls Group employees select needed items from electronic catalogs maintained by more than 100 key suppliers. The orders are placed instantly via electronic data interchange. 

"This greatly simplifies the supply chain because data enters the system only once. The entire transaction is electronic end-to-end," said John Pierson, Johnson Controls director of procurement. "Procurement becomes an instantaneous 24 hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week operation. There's nothing stopping it." 

As goods are pulled through the supply chain on as-needed basis, Johnson Controls key suppliers more easily manage inventories. Exclusive contracts give the suppliers preferred access to the company's purchasing dollars. Commerce One, a leader in global e-commerce solutions for business, provided the Johnson Controls system's user interface, catalogs search engine, shopping tool and requisition process capabilities. 

Johnson Controls, Inc., is a global market leader in automotive systems and facility management and control. In the automotive market, it is a major supplier of seating and interior systems and batteries. For nonresidential facilities, Johnson Controls provides building control systems and services, energy management and integrated facility management.

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