Press Release - December 2000
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Park Associates News

MMDS Wireless Internet Services Continue to Expand 
Parks Associates projects higher than expected MMDS residential broadband service penetration by 2004.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]DALLAS---Although cable modem and DSL residential services currently dominate the high-speed Internet marketplace in North America, new initiatives by several large service providers will introduce alternative broadband technologies to an increasing number of new customers over the next few years. These alternative technologies, including multipoint, multichannel distribution service (MMDS), will grow to a market share of 17% by the year 2004, according to market research company Parks Associates, which is now launching its annual Broadband Access @ Home initiative for 2001.

MMDS broadband service has only recently gained credibility as a technology for broadband service. MMDS has been used successfully for over thirty years to provide one-way wireless CATV service, but recent upgrades to two-way, full-duplex capacity have granted it better standing in the field of broadband technology.

Home Networking Components Go Retail

DALLAS,  - A new report from Parks Associates reveals a growing retail presence among companies manufacturing end-user home networking products, an indication that the home networking industry is making headway in the mass market. The effect is already visible on retail shelves, according to Networks @ Home: The Retail Market for Home Networking Components. Currently, 35% of home networking components are shipping through brick-and-mortar retail channels, and initiatives such as the Internet Home Alliance will only strengthen the budding relationship between home networking manufacturers and retail outlets. "As more products enabling enhanced connectivity and Internet services begin to roll out, the activity in the retail space will increase accordingly," said Nikki Robison, a home networks analyst for Parks Associates. "Already, we are seeing plans for interactive kiosks and in-store product demonstrations to display the benefits of a connected lifestyle." "The Internet has introduced streaming and downloadable audio and video, altering both the delivery and format of entertainment," said Tricia Parks, president of Parks Associates. "Consumers, as they start to understand the sheer breadth of their choices, do not want to be confined to one room or one TV set. These consumers are starting to anticipate future solutions and advanced entertainment options with a growing amount of optimism."

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