Press Release - July 2000
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]Oakland, California - June 28, 2000  Orlando (Florida) Utilities Commission (OUC) announced today that it has begun offering online energy information services to customers using Energy Profiler Online™ (EPO) from Energy Interactive (EI).

EPO is a Web-based service that allows energy customers to access their usage data along with a variety of analytical tools from a secure area of their utility's Web site. "We started out trying to build an application that would just extract billing determinants from our customer information system and make them available to both residential and non-residential customers," explains OUC program manager Clint Bullock, "but we ran into a few roadblocks trying to get the necessary information out of the CIS."

OUC then refocused its efforts on providing load profiling services to its commercial and industrial customers. "Our internal IS resources were already heavily committed to other projects, so we wanted a totally outsourced solution," continues Bullock. "We also wanted a proven product, not something that would require any kind of first-time development. EPO gave us that along with a very user-friendly interface."

OUC unveiled the service to customers as OUConsumption Online on June 15th and has already signed contracts with a number of accounts. The utility expects EPO to help customers to understand their energy usage better than they could with the limited information provided on their bill. As an example, Bullock expects the information provided via EPO to help customers more readily see the benefits of a new seasonally differentiated time-of-use rate. OUC is now considering the addition of EPO's bill estimation functionality to the service once it has been introduced to customers.


Mississauga, Ontario - June 13, 2000 - Ontario energy supplier Hydro Mississauga announced it has selected the Energy Billing Options Support System (Energy BOSS) from Energy Interactive (EI) to support settlements and retail billing in anticipation of market deregulation later this year.

"We're pleased to be working with a leader in the area of billing and settlement solutions," says Hydro Mississauga's Lawrence Wu. "We looked at a number of suppliers and found Energy BOSS met our needs for both settlements and bill calculations for our major commercial and industrial customers."

"One difference between the Ontario market and, say California, is that spot market prices will be passed on to non-metered customers using periodic adjustments," notes EI product manager Debbie Cooper. "These adjustments will be calculated by creating load profiles for these customers, something Energy BOSS can handle easily. Also, having the settlement capabilities integrated with the billing functions really simplifies the billing process for energy suppliers, and reduces the strain on their internal IT resources."

With the Ontario market set to open to competition in November, energy suppliers like Hydro Mississauga are racing to find flexible billing and settlement systems so they can meet the needs of their customers. "Another plus for Energy BOSS was that, because of EI's rapid implementation, we'll be able to take part in the test market scheduled for the end of July," adds Lawrence Wu.

In addition to settlements, Energy BOSS offers advanced billing capabilities that include support for complex rate structures such as real-time pricing (RTP), conjunctive billing for aggregating multiple accounts to calculate a single set of billing determinants, and billing for other products and services on the same bill as commodity energy sales. Energy BOSS is presently being used to bill commercial and industrial customers by both ESPs and distribution companies in restructuring markets across North America.

Energy Interactive is a leading developer of energy information systems and services. Located in Oakland, California, EI provides tools for electric and gas utilities, power marketers, aggregators, energy service providers and major energy consumers. Information about EI's products and services can be found at, or by calling Nikki Lopez at 510-987-7111, ext. 539. 

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