Press Release - July 2000
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Motorola and Bopack Systems to Bring Next Generation Wireless Automatic Identification Systems 

"Smart labels" and packages become information carriers that will revolutionize supply chain management, packaging and shipping applications

[an error occurred while processing this directive]SCHAUMBURG, Ill./Wommelgem, Belgium (June 28, 2000) - Heralding a revolution in the RFID industry, Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:MOT) and Bopack Systems, a European market leader in automatic identification, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly develop and market "smart label" solutions for the next generation of automatic identification. Using Motorola's exciting and new BiStatix™ radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, Bopack will produce cost effective labels and tags that serve as information carriers. The new paper-based "smart labels" will contain information stored in small computer chips that can be read and modified through a wireless interface, making them an ideal tool for the tracking and efficient routing of materials. Bopack Systems will market the new smart labels throughout France and the Benelux countries.

In supply chain processes, transport and shipping costs can be potentially reduced and service improved by making tracking and accounting more reliable and accurate. Bills of lading and international shipping documents can be simplified. With less manual handling, diverted shipments, lost items and theft can be avoided. In industries like pharmaceuticals, smart labels can provide virtually flawless tracking and tracing on high value and high security goods.

Another area rich in potential is identification. The BiStatix technology will create new possibilities in the areas of disposable ticket or identification applications such as ski passes, theater or cinema tickets; passes to sports competitions and amusement parks.

More information can be found at and

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