Press Release - July 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] AEE Offers New Course This Summer

Web-enabled Energy Services - Performance Contracting, Energy E-commerce and Beyond

Energy services is a broad business category that includes not only the sales of energy commodities, including electricity and natural gas, but also the delivery of myriad services as value propositions to a customer. The focus of this course is on the value proposition and extends postulates that energy services is in an evolving state and that the introduction of energy e-commerce will result in a redefinition of energy services. That redefinition will blend traditional performance contracting for capital projects with real time and dynamic Web-based services that enhance the customer's ability to manage facilities and that result in a more comprehensive value proposition.

This course will discuss the evolution of energy services via e-commerce, and analyze project value in the context of the Internet and how project results can contribute more directly to the company mission. With a focus on performance contracting or energy services based projects, the seminar will revisit economic analysis and challenge the conventional tools that have been used in the energy management industry.

New concepts that will be covered include: · Internet-based energy and water conservation measures, · Internet-based facility management, · Internet Tools and · Dynamic results through Internet-based facility oversight.

Register now at or contact Beth Pearce at

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