Press Release - July 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]Precidia Product brings Building Automation Systems onto IP

Ether232 connects legacy equipment to TCP/IP networks

Ottawa, Canada, July 5, 2001 – Precidia Technologies, the leader in IP enabling technology solutions, announced today a product designed for the Building Automation community. The Ether232 remote access device easily and cost-effectively connects legacy building automation equipment, such as HVAC control panels, sensors, and alarms, to TCP/IP via Ethernet.

The Ether232, which is also available in 422 and 485 models, connects to the serial port of the device and converts the data stream from the device from its legacy protocol to TCP/IP via Ethernet. Network, maintenance and operations managers can now monitor these stand-alone devices in real time using their existing LAN/WAN, prolonging the life of costly legacy equipment.

Dwight Allport, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor for the Limestone School District, has deployed Precidia’s devices to monitor HVAC systems from a central location. “The Precidia device solved a long standing issue for Limestone: how to gather information from all of our remote locations within the school district, monitor the data and alarms from our Andover Building Control equipment and feed it into a central PC”, said Mr. Allport. ”Precidia's Ether232 provided the most cost-effective solution. By connecting the Ether232 to the Andover device in each school's boiler/mechanical rooms, the data can now flow through our WAN to a central location. Solving this problem has been a key step in deploying our mission critical HVAC monitoring system.

The Precidia device was simple and quick to install, and its size was easy to accommodate.”

Precidia President Deepak Wanner says the product offers a winning solution to the building automation industry: “In today’s industry, retaining existing equipment, and consequently saving money, is crucial. At the same time, these are mission critical systems, which must be closely monitored. The Precidia solution helps companies keep their existing equipment, while giving them the opportunity to monitor it from a central location on their network. We are pleased to offer this smart solution to the building automation community”, said Mr. Wanner.

Connecting serial equipment to a network delays the need to replace existing equipment, reduces cabling, and gives the equipment real-time access to information and enhanced functionality by leveraging the bi-directional communications capabilities of TCP/IP.

Precidia Technologies Inc., based in Ottawa, Canada, is a global leader in the design and manufacture of IP enabling technologies for a wide range of industries, including retail payments. Precidia’s advanced IP technology seamlessly migrates retail payment terminals and other equipment onto more sophisticated IP networks. Precidia’s unique product line consists of cost-effective access devices, both wired and wireless, and chip technology. For more information, visit Precidia on the Web at

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