Press Release - June 2000
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DDC OPEN SYSTEMS: A Consumer's Guide to BACnet, LonWorks,& Networking Standards 

June 1-2, 2000
Embassy Suites Buckhead, Atlanta, GA (404) 261-7733
September 25-26, 2000 Hotel rooms at Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI Seminar held at Midwest Express Center (414) 276-1234
October 2-3, 2000 Sheraton Newton, Newton, MA, Boston Area (617) 969-3010 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]ABOUT THE SEMINAR Here's the seminar that will help you sort out all of the new developments and practical issues associated with both purchase and specification of direct digital control (DDC) and open systems technologies. The program begins with a technical review of (DDC) and building automation systems, covering hardware, firmware and network systems, as well as the personal computer interface. You'll gain the practical knowledge essential to evaluate whether systems networking, communications and interface standards will actually improve your operations. You'll get the help you need to understand how protocols and network standards relate to open systems, as well as where existing products such as LonWorks and BACnet fit in. Topology, including both proprietary and standard based components-as well as gateway and router systems-are clearly explained. Issues crucial to effective specification of open systems, including connectivity of components, controls integration, and interoperability are fully examined.

DDC SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY: Architecture; Interoperability; HVAC Control Integration; Integrated Building Automation
SYSTEM MANAGEMENT: Operator Interface; Remote Communications; System Data Introduction to Digital Communications
Architecture and Topology: Protocol Architecture/Layering; OSI Model; Bridges, Gateways and Routers; LAN Topology; Message Formatting
Elements of Open DDC: DDC Standards; Interoperability; Introduction to BACnet and LonWorks
Local Area Networks: Ethernet and ARCnet; Others
BACnet System Overview: Protocol Objects, Services and Details; Architecture and Topology; Compliance and Status of Standard; Specifying
LonWorks System Overview: LonTalk and LonMark; Control Industry Relevance; Architecture and Topology; Wiring Technology and Transmission Media
Specifying DDC Open Systems: Basic System Requirements; Specifying Architecture; 
Specifying DDC Design; Communications Issues; Specification Philosophy
Managing DDC Systems for Success
Future Directions for Automation and Networking 

. an associate with the architectural/engineering firm of RNL Design has more than 20 years experience with building systems, HVAC, controls and energy management. Mr. Goldschmidt is co-author of the ASHRAE BACnet standard and the ASHRAE "Guidelines to Specifying DDC Systems." He has lectured widely on controls topics. 

RICHARD L. GORELL is a controls and training consultant, with extensive experience in system design, development, training and operation for commercial building controls and energy management, flight controls, high altitude research, and traffic management. He has instructed and lectured widely in his fields of expertise. 

Regular Fee: $945 AEE Member Fee: $845* Government & Nonprofit Fee: $845 Team Discount: Deduct $100 per Registrant

For more information on registering AEE Seminars 

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