Press Release - June 2001
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Control Technologies, Inc puts the Renaissance Project in control

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Control Technologies, Inc signs agreement to create the standards for an open and interoperable facilities automation system.

South Burlington, VT, May 23, 2001:   Fletcher Allen Health Care contracted with Control Technologies to design and create a set of building automation standards and to assist in the selection of a facility automation protocol. Fletcher Allen Health Care has selected the LONWorks platform as this new standard. Control Technologies, Inc. met with the staff to develop a needs analysis based on the current and existing conditions and systems, which then resulted in a set of recommendations, and a plan that met their current and foreseeable future needs. “Control Technologies experience in this industry was crucial to our selection process, and with their assistance, we have created the infrastructure to achieve our goals” says Cummings. 

Control Technologies, Inc is a leading independent Systems Integrator, providing interoperable automation and integrated energy management services for commercial, industrial, institutional, state and federal customers. Control Technologies, Inc. provides clients with innovative solutions for controlling building environments, managing multi-site facilities, reducing energy and operational costs, and managing information effectively. 

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