Press Release - May 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] and ESP to Create "Best Of Class" Environmental Compliance Suite for Enterprise and ASP Systems

Tempe, Ariz. and Los Altos, Calif.- Environmental Support Solutions ( and ESP (Environmental Software Providers) announced today that they have formed an alliance to create a new "best of class" enterprise solution suite for the environmental industry.

This alliance will provide and ESP with an integrated, modular, Web-based EMIS compliance suite utilizing ESP's opsEnvironmentalTM framework. The program's modules bring together data from permits, manufacturing and support operations into a single framework that manages calculations, reporting and automated alerts. is the leader in hazardous waste, refrigerant, indoor air quality, and health and safety environmental compliance management software, and ESP is the leading provider of air, water, form R, MSDS inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) software.


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