Press Release - May 2001
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]Everyone today needs instant access to plant-floor information... now there's an easier, inexpensive way to get it!

Tune into a Live iClientTS Technology Webinar Tuesday, May 8th at 2:00 PM EDT 

More and more people in your organization need real-time access to plant floor information to make smart, effective decisions. The problem is: How do you deliver real-time access of SCADA systems' data to a worldwide workforce that is now using a variety of computing devises - desktop PCs, laptops, handhelds and more - while holding down the rising costs of supporting the growing IT infrastructure that you're creating in the process?

The Solution: Intellution's iClientTS Software iClientTS gives you a real-time view of manufacturing data, plus the ability to manage your HMI/SCADA systems, using a wide variety of computing devices running on standard web browsers.

Join us for a live demonstrating and presentation of Intellution's iClientTS.


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