Press Release - November 2000
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Effective Marketing and Communication Needed in Humidity Control Industry, Says Frost & Sullivan

[an error occurred while processing this directive]San Antonio - A lack of brand awareness on the part of specifying engineers is impacting the humidity control industry. Manufacturers' abilities to increase sales are hindered because engineers do not know about their products. To be successful, manufacturers need to increase their brand penetration in the engineering community through effective marketing and communication. 

New strategic marketing research from Frost & Sullivan, North American Commercial and Industrial Humidity Control Markets, reveals that this segment of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) market is experiencing tremendous growth. In 1999, this industry generated revenues of more than $348.5 million. Frost & Sullivan projects this figure to reach $676 million by 2006. 

Knowledgeable independent sales representation is the most important marketing tool for manufacturers of humidity control products. Independent representatives' relationships with specifying engineers are crucial in the humidity control industry because these products are usually the first to be eliminated when a project goes over budget. Humidity control manufacturers must find representatives who have contacts in the commercial market and understand the products they represent.

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