Press Release - November 2000
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Charting Our Energy Future - Obstacles & Opportunities
Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, Canada
, November 5-8, 2000

The aim of this conference is "to make a difference" in BC, Alberta & the Pacific Northwest in energy efficiency and innovation. It will 

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Viconics Announces New Plant

Due to continued growth, Viconics Electronics Inc. (Montreal, Canada) has announced plans to build a new office and state of the art manufacturing plant. Total surface area will be 27,000 sq. ft. (2500 sq. m), which will be made up of 15,000 sq. ft.(1400 sq. m) of production floor space and 12,000 sq. ft. (1100 sq. m) of office space.

"Our increased manufacturing capacity will permit us to better focus on high volume OEM customers that demand quick delivery of quality products", says president Louis Viglione. The plant is scheduled to open in February, 2001.

For more information about Viconics 

Price increase on all centrifugal liquid chillers

CHARMES, FRANCE - The Trane Company has announced a five-percent price increase on all centrifugal liquid chillers. The price increase is effective immediately.

The increase is the result of company suppliers continuing to raise the cost of raw materials and increased transportation costs.

The Trane Company is a worldwide manufacturer of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and building management equipment and systems. Trane is an American Standard Company. Visit Trane on the Internet: Web Site  or E-Mail

OASIS Uses Motorola Technology to Bring Wireless Asset Management Systems into Hazardous Environments

SCHAUMBURG, IL, October 16, 2000 - - Motorola Inc. (NYSE:MOT) today announced that it has signed a development agreement that enables OASIS Ltd., a Scottish electronic solutions integrator, to use Motorola radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in their wireless asset management systems. The agreement expands the reach of Motorola industrial RFID products in the oil and gas, petrochemical, nuclear and utilities industries, creating the potential to sell millions of Motorola RFID tags for wireless asset tracking.

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs High-Performance Commercial Buildings A Technology Roadmap 

The energy costs associated with America's commercial building stock are both a challenge and an opportunity that we can no longer ignore and therefore I am very happy today to announce the release of the building industry's 20-year plan for creating 21st century commercial buildings. The name of that plan is High-Performance Commercial Buildings, a Technology Roadmap. This Roadmap is the building industry's plan for how public and private organizations, working together, can ensure that the commercial buildings of tomorrow are the best we know how to design, build, and operate. This Roadmap is the result of two-and-a-half years of hard work by more than 250 people from 150 organizations in the building industry. The Department is pleased to have acted as facilitator by bringing together industry, government, nongovernmental organizations, universities, and others to craft this roadmap. This is the latest in a long history of successful, joint, Department of Energy industry efforts over the past 20 years.

This Webcast was presented live on October 4, 2000. This archived Webcast lasts 54 minutes and is available at

AEE News - New Publications Fairmont Express

A Guide to Energy Services Companies
By Cary Bullock and George Caraghiaur

Energy services companies (ESCOs) comprise an industry started in the 1970s which has now grown to a volume of approximately $2 billion per year. As deregulation unravels utilities’ old exclusive service areas, ESCOs are being acquired by gas and electric utilities and other large firms who wish to position themselves as national suppliers, offering "one-stop" energy shopping services to energy users.

Industrial Electronics: Devices and Systems
Second Edition By Stephen W. Fardo and Dale R. Patrick

In a relatively short time span, industry has made a transition from largely manual manufacturing methods to some very sophisticated automated procedures which often require very little human intervention. Recent developments in such areas as solid-state electronics, micro-miniaturization, computers, microprocessors, programmable controllers and robotics have had a huge impact on industrial technicians and engineers. This book was written to serve as a guide to today’s new devices and automated systems, taking the reader step-by-step through each component and sub-system, and leading to a level of understanding sufficient to facilitate the management of overall system operation, and assessment and correction of malfunctions when they occur.

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