Press Release - November 2000
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OSGi Creates Nursery to Incubate New Software Service Interfaces

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Program to Accelerate Development of New Services Utilizing the OSGi Framework

San Ramon, Calif. - (October 4, 2000) - The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) today announced that it has launched a software service interface nursery to accelerate the development of new services utilizing the OSGi framework. Through an online forum, OSGi member companies can donate example service bundles, build consensus around interfaces to these services and exchange ideas on work to be included in the next version of the OSGi specification. OSGi ( is an independent, non-profit corporation composed of 75 leading technology companies working to define and promote open standards for the delivery of multiple services over wide-area networks to local networks and devices.

This past March, OSGi released the 1.0 OSGi Open Services Gateway specification, which includes a flexible services framework and three essential services for OSGi-compliant gateways, including a log service, a device access service and an HTTP service. To enable members to quickly build consensus of additional generally useful services, OSGi has created the nursery as a forum where members can view donated example code and service interfaces in development by other OSGi members, minimizing fragmentation and redundancy in effort.

The nursery augments OSGi's existing rigorous RFP/RFC process, which is designed to ensure fair and equal access to the specification setting process to all OSGi members. By enabling rapid prototyping and simplified collaboration among members, the OSGi nursery should speed the development of services and products based around the recently released OSGi Open Services Gateway specification.

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