Press Release - September 2001
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New  Web Site Launched for 2002 AHR EXPO

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Westport, CT…August 27, 2001 - The International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo) recently launched an updated web site at, designed to provide both exhibitors and visitors with a host of useful information regarding their participation in the Exposition, being held January 14-16, 2002, at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

The most significant change to the site is the addition of a Product Locator. This unique feature will allow attendees and media to search the list of AHR Expo exhibitors by product category, making it very easy to find information on specific companies and the products they will exhibit at the show. The Product Locator will be active by the end of August 2001. 

Some other site highlights include:

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