Press Release - September 2001
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Wevada builts on ProSyst´s open platform for Open Service Gateways

The companies form a strategic alliance - Wevada uses ProSyst-Technology in OEM for their TransPointer and TransGuider product line - Wevada markets ProSyst´s solutions in France and Benelux

Cologne/Bruxelles, 07.09.2001 - ProSyst Software AG and the Belgian company Wevada signed a cooperation agreement. Wevada will sell the ProSyst-Technology as part of their TransPointer and TransGuider product line. Additionally, Wevada will act as reseller and integrator for ProSyst-products in France and the Benelux-countries.

Signing this deal ProSyst has taken a further step to deliver their innovative software products to a broad variety of customers. ProSyst is one of the leading technology suppliers for the Internet-based networking of stationary and mobile electronic devices and offers an open, modular and scalable platform. Its solution paves the way for new applications and services, such as remote control, remote maintenance, remote diagnosis, data readout and software update via the Internet. Partnering with the Wireless Application Service Enabler Wevada, ProSyst has an additional qualified partner. Wevada provides intelligent end-to-end wireless solutions for the seamless delivery of wireless applications and services to mobile users. Wevada's solutions are designed to take the constraints out of customers mobile information management.

New Dimensions for Open Service Gateways - enabled by ProSyst's mBedded Server 5.0

Complete Support for OSGi Standard 2.0 - New Features with more flexibility in tests and implementations - Higher security standard and better Update Strategies

Cologne, 21/08/01 - ProSyst Software AG, the leading technology provider for the Internet-based control and networking of stationary and mobile electronic devices, announces mBedded Server 5.0. This release represents the core of the Open Service Gateway. It will be based on the future OSGi standard 2.0 and will offer a wide spectrum of new features. These features will set new standards for flexibility, user comfort and multiple use in test and implementation environments. Composed of several packages, the latest version of ProSyst's open, modular, and scalable software platform offers new capabilities for both the development of net-ready devices and the design of applications using Open Service Gateways scenarios.

Innovative turn-key software solution delivered by ProSyst and esmertec, inc.

Speeding up time to market for your services like remote diagnostics, remote control and remote software update of devices

ZURICH, Switzerland and COLOGNE, Germany - An innovative joint solution for embedded Javaä applications has resulted from the intensive technical relationship between ProSyst Software AG (, the leading server software technology provider for open-service gateways and esmertec inc. (, provider of embedded Java™ virtual machines and embedded Real Time Operating Systems.

The dynamic installation of new software in a real-time environment has been optimised for speed and reliability. This involved the tuning of esmertec's Jbed RTOS/JVM and ProSyst's OSGi compliant mBedded Server for improved performance with each other, and the porting of both products to a number of widely used hardware platforms. 

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