Press Release - Sept - 99
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Press information 99-05-10

TAC going for growth and a broader integrator role with its new generation of products and systems

Simple, more comprehensive systems integration, functions which allow user-customised reporting via the Internet and access to new communications solutions in both LAN and WAN networks. Whenever TAC presents a new generation of the company’s best known products and systems, it constitutes a leap in development for the building automation sphere. This launch also means a dramatic broadening of TAC’s new marketing concept Talking Buildings™.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]TAC has taken another step in its group’s initiative to offer comprehensive, integrated systems solutions within the building automation sphere. The result is being presented to the market via a broad, simultaneous launch of a new version (version 3.2) of the superordinate control and monitoring system TAC Vista, the regulator family TAC Xenta and the engineering tool TAC Menta. TAC’s expressed ambition to become a leading systems integrator of automation solutions based on open, supplier independent communications technology, including LonWorks, lies behind this broad development initiative. Several years ago, TAC was first on the market with regulators based on this technology. Since then TAC has gradually taken on the role as one of the leading systems integrators.

The integrator role also explains why TAC’s development manager Peter Rexelius considers it natural for the company to use this opportunity to present the new version which will affect many parts of the product programme.

"It could be said that we are now expanding the Talking Buildings concept and our own role as a systems integrator. By simultaneously offering a new version of our leading products and systems we are dramatically increasing the customised integration solution options we offer and also ensuring that the open LonWorks technology can be used even more effectively than before. One example of this is that we can offer customers with geographically dispersed locations an expanded, simplified communication concept and Internet/intranet-based reporting solutions. The increased scope for communicating with products from other suppliers is also very important."

Peter Rexelius considers that the new generation of TAC products and systems will be of great significance for the market initiatives now taking place in both Sweden and in many export markets.

"As interest in LonWorks grows around the world together with an understanding of the great advantages open technology can offer, customer requirements for new functionality in integration solutions will also increase. The new generation does not simply only satisfy these requirements but can also offer new functions which will no doubt force further development within building automation."

By way of example, Peter Rexelius cites the opportunities for creating communications solutions based on both Wide Area Networks (WAN) and Local Area Networks (LAN), the facilities for communication via several different media (including ISDN, radio links and modem), and the increased level of flexibility. He also points to the importance attached to the fact that the new version of TAC Vista is entirely compatible with Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0, and that the system uses TCP/IP as a network protocol.

For further information please contact the following at TAC AB in Malmö:

Peter Rexelius, Vice President R&D, tel: 040-38 69 25, mobile: 070-445 53 34 e-mail:

Anna Arwidi, Marketing Manager, tel: +46 40 38 69 23, mobile: 070-445 53 41, e-mail:

Facts about the TAC Group:

TAC has a leading market position as supplier of integrated systems within the area of building automation and for monitoring, managing and controlling various systems, including district heating systems. The TAC concept Talking Buildings™ has recently been established on the market.

This concept summarises the company’s aim to develop, manufacture and market products and open system solutions which improve the indoor environment and give the building owner benefits such as reduced operational costs and more attractive properties.

TAC is owned by EQT. The head office is in Malmö and development and manufacturing is carried out in Malmö and in Västerhaninge outside Stockholm. In total, the TAC Group has approximately 1,000 employees and an annual turnover of approximately SEK 1 billion. The group has a subsidiary in the Nordic countries, the UK, Germany, Poland and Singapore. A network of associated partners are located in a further 40 countries.


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