
AutomatedBuildings.com is made possible by our sponsors




Help us create free public access to extremely current industry information for Smarter Connected Sustainable Buildings

Our sponsors, Contributing Editors, and approved Contributors share their messages helping build this Industry Resource/Library with their valuable content instantly in their own words and multi-media depictions. All are written on our wall and shared on their own social media post. This allows others to share that extremely current information on their favorite social media. 

Our goal is to create a self-sustaining resource for the industry. Created by the industry, for the industry, for the world to better understand our smarter building value.

For over 26 years AutomatedBuildings.com has worked closely with all players in our industry to capture our discussion and history. 

We need to capture and use the complete resources and support of our rapidly evolving industry.

This is where you can share your passion while creating and building trust.

Our work will be both timely and monthly curated by myself the original founder of AutomatedBuildings.com, and my powerful ever-evolving contributing editors, sponsors, and social media discussions.

We see everyone using our industry-supported resource as a Launch Pad and Landing Pad.

The noise of social media discussions will be taken outside of our quiet purposeful industry online, anywhere, anytime, content-specific, ever-evolving library.

A focused purpose-driven resource created by all for all to use.

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