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Reimagining Smart Buildings: The Case for Breaking Down Silos

In a lively July 2024 discussion on Monday Live, industry experts delved into the complexities of integrating building silos, exploring the potential of various applications and the challenges of interoperability. The conversation centered on creating a matrix to assess the relevance of different building systems for various applications, sparking debate about the scoring system and revealing the vast, untapped potential of integrated building data. The discussion highlighted the need for open, accessible data and affordable integration solutions to drive innovation and ultimately transform the smart building landscape.

data silos in smarter buildings

Integrating Building Silos: A Deep Dive into Data and Use Cases

This post explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating various building systems, or “silos,” to achieve greater efficiency and functionality. It emphasizes the importance of understanding use cases and user requirements to unlock the value of data generated by these systems. By focusing on specific use cases and establishing standards for data exchange, the building industry can move towards a more integrated and efficient ecosystem, benefiting tenants, operations teams, and asset managers alike. The TXO (Total Cost of Ownership) framework provides a useful tool for prioritizing investments in data integration and maximizing financial benefits.

Reimagining Smart Buildings: The Case for Breaking Down Silos

In a lively July 2024 discussion on Monday Live, industry experts delved into the complexities of integrating building silos, exploring the potential of various applications and the challenges of interoperability. The conversation centered on creating a matrix to assess the relevance of different building systems for various applications, sparking debate about the scoring system and revealing the vast, untapped potential of integrated building data. The discussion highlighted the need for open, accessible data and affordable integration solutions to drive innovation and ultimately transform the smart building landscape.

data silos in smarter buildings

Integrating Building Silos: A Deep Dive into Data and Use Cases

This post explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating various building systems, or “silos,” to achieve greater efficiency and functionality. It emphasizes the importance of understanding use cases and user requirements to unlock the value of data generated by these systems. By focusing on specific use cases and establishing standards for data exchange, the building industry can move towards a more integrated and efficient ecosystem, benefiting tenants, operations teams, and asset managers alike. The TXO (Total Cost of Ownership) framework provides a useful tool for prioritizing investments in data integration and maximizing financial benefits.