smart building

Who Controls the Cheese? A Discussion on Change in the Smart Building Industry

The cheese is moving! We’re seeing a shift in the way the younger generation thinks. They’re no longer looking for a single-walled garden vendor to control access to content, applications, hardware, and user data. They’re all about composability and being in control of their own destiny.

Embracing Change and Riding the Rollercoaster

As we reflect back on the twists and turns of 2024 and face 2025 with its new variables and uncertainties, it’s helpful to take a step back and examine the bigger picture, especially our mindset. Life is a dynamic, ever-shifting landscape. We experience periods of stability and success, often followed by unforeseen challenges and setbacks. These fluctuations, the inevitable peaks and valleys of our existence, can be both exhilarating and daunting. But what if we could learn not just to survive these changes but to actually thrive amidst them? We are not merely passive recipients of fate but active participants who can learn from both success and failure to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

From our AutomatedBuildings Family to yours, have a great Holiday season

electric cars impact on building design.

How Electric Vehicles are Shaping the Future of Smart Buildings

The rise of EVs is deeply influencing the design, cost, and environmental impact of smart buildings. EV integration not only requires new design considerations like charging infrastructure and energy storage systems but also offers significant benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, enhanced energy efficiency, and cost savings over time. Additionally, as the synergy between EVs and smart buildings deepens, the future holds the promise of more sustainable, energy-efficient, and self-sufficient buildings that contribute positively to the global energy transition. Easy Building Performance Optimization

What is is a collection of AI-agents trained for building performance optimization (specifically central plant chillers, portfolio rooftop units, refrigeration systems, and air-handler

Open software needed

Is “Open” the Key to Software Eating Buildings?

The journey towards “software-eating buildings” is paved with the bricks of openness. By embracing open standards, protocols, data, and development practices, the building automation industry can unlock new levels of innovation and value for building owners.

Who Controls the Cheese? A Discussion on Change in the Smart Building Industry

The cheese is moving! We’re seeing a shift in the way the younger generation thinks. They’re no longer looking for a single-walled garden vendor to control access to content, applications, hardware, and user data. They’re all about composability and being in control of their own destiny.

Embracing Change and Riding the Rollercoaster

As we reflect back on the twists and turns of 2024 and face 2025 with its new variables and uncertainties, it’s helpful to take a step back and examine the bigger picture, especially our mindset. Life is a dynamic, ever-shifting landscape. We experience periods of stability and success, often followed by unforeseen challenges and setbacks. These fluctuations, the inevitable peaks and valleys of our existence, can be both exhilarating and daunting. But what if we could learn not just to survive these changes but to actually thrive amidst them? We are not merely passive recipients of fate but active participants who can learn from both success and failure to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

From our AutomatedBuildings Family to yours, have a great Holiday season

electric cars impact on building design.

How Electric Vehicles are Shaping the Future of Smart Buildings

The rise of EVs is deeply influencing the design, cost, and environmental impact of smart buildings. EV integration not only requires new design considerations like charging infrastructure and energy storage systems but also offers significant benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, enhanced energy efficiency, and cost savings over time. Additionally, as the synergy between EVs and smart buildings deepens, the future holds the promise of more sustainable, energy-efficient, and self-sufficient buildings that contribute positively to the global energy transition. Easy Building Performance Optimization

What is is a collection of AI-agents trained for building performance optimization (specifically central plant chillers, portfolio rooftop units, refrigeration systems, and air-handler

Open software needed

Is “Open” the Key to Software Eating Buildings?

The journey towards “software-eating buildings” is paved with the bricks of openness. By embracing open standards, protocols, data, and development practices, the building automation industry can unlock new levels of innovation and value for building owners.