April 2004

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Content and Quality of Presenters keeps BuilConn 2004 Fresh

Ken  Sinclair

Over 90 presenters & content contributors can't be wrong about Convergence! It's unfolding and happening at BuilConn in Dallas. Last year's strong feeling that grew from Anto's hallucinations and budded into the first ever BuilConn has sent vibrations through our industry and has aligned us with new players and industries. Last year's event will be a tough act to follow but it looks like Anto and his crew are set to pull another big one out of their hats. The line-up of content providers and presenters represents almost the majority of the large building automation industry with several new players front and centre.  It has been joked; Is their anyone left to attend?  I am not worried as the combined power and knowledge of this line up of presenters and content providers is bound to attracted interest from our complete industry as well as a lot of  new  players. Talking about that this year's event is being co-hosted with the M2MExpo which adds a new but strongly related connection. If you come to BuilConn you get two conferences for the price of one as you can freely move between the two.

Let me quickly catch you up in case you have been as busy as me and having trouble trying to keep current with all the action around this event. Here is a quick overview of the sessions. Want to dig into the details?  Click on topic for more details and see who is presenting.

Wednesday April 14

Track 1: Focus on Owners and Operators 
Current Facility Challenges  Selling to Owners and Operators  The Building & Facility Landscape  Servicing Owners and Operators

Track 2: Building Systems Technology
Technology Impact to Buildings  Status of Open Systems  XML/WS Mega Panel Discussion  Innovation Workshop: New Ideas and Approaches

Track 3: Networks, Wireless and Security
A Virus in your Building?  Converging IT and Security  Life Safety and Integration  Biometrics & ID Technologies  Workshop on Security & Legal Risks

Thursday April 15

Track 1: Working with the Enterprise
Buildings, Key to Business Continuity  The Reach of Enterprise Systems  Integrating with the Enterprise  Enterprise Energy Management

Track 2: Industry Trends Driving Change
Industry Overview  The Distribution Challenges  New Revenue Models  Video, Voice & Data Integration  Coopetition: Cooperating & Competing  Developing & Selling Your Company

Track 3: Critical Technology Developments
Technology Drivers  Gateways: Promising or Passé SolutionTCP/IP Tunneling  Wireless Networks: Has the time come?

Where did this all come from? http://www.builconn.com/agenda/default.htm

Want to take a look or print the quick overview agenda?  http://www.builconn.com/Clasma/downloads/BuilConn2004-Agenda.pdf

Who are these over 90 presenters? http://www.builconn.com/agenda/presenters-list.htm

MasterClass is a new event all day Friday and includes these topics:

LonWorks MasterClass   BACnet MasterClass

Specifying Open Integrated Buildings   Business Development Workshop

Developing XML/Web Services Products   Integration Using XML & Web Services

and also last year's BootCamp is back by popular demand on Tuesday.

What is the XML Pavilion? 

The Building Systems Expo provides BuilConn attendees an opportunity to meet and discuss the offerings of the major vendors who provide components, systems and services for Networked Building Systems. They are looking at around 60+ exhibitors for both BuilConn and M2M. Doubled from last year. See who is exhibiting http://www.builconn.com/expo/expo_main.htm

What is the Buildy Awards Program? http://www.builconn.com/buildy/index.htm

BuilConn:  Announce Finalists “Buildy” Awards


Ready to go? Registered for this years exciting event? http://www.builconn.com/registration/default.htm

See you there.

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