August 2015 |
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The Power of ZigBee 3.0
All about the new and improved ZigBee 3.0 And what Smart Home and IoT devices development decision makers need to know. |
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the IoT market accelerates and becomes more of a reality, the hype
surrounding it becomes more intense and more confusing. It is time for
a reality check to take inventory of where things really stand, and to
make some assessment of where things are going. Some confusion has been
cleared, some confusion has exacerbated – but let’s start with what has
Radio technologies
Two years ago there was a lot of discussion about the different radio
technologies that would be useful for the IoT. Some companies advocated
that WiFi and Bluetooth would be sufficient, while other companies were
starting to push IEEE 802.15.4 (the underlying radio technology for
ZigBee and Thread). Actually, the majority of today’s networking
technology decision makers are now comfortable with and fully
understand that the IoT will use all three technologies for different
To address the weakness of WiFi (compared to ZigBee) an activity was started to standardize low-power WiFi (IEEE 802.11ah). Although activities in this area are still proceeding and may lead to a standard, the worldwide acceptance will be very doubtful. This standard is not universal, because we will have different specs and flavors in different regions in the world. Adding to the challenge is the fact that even though this new low-power standard is called WiFi, it does not have any compatibility with “real” WiFi. It is a completely different radio and MAC technology. So why not use IEEE 802.15.4, which is already a universal standard and provides all the features the developers of this new low power WiFi is struggling for? This new flavor of “WiFi” does not make much sense.
Bluetooth, as an IoT standard, has a critical weakness – it was designed as a point-to-point cable replacement technology – not a networking technology. To address this weakness, some companies have started to work on a network layer for Bluetooth (‘Bluetooth Mesh’) but they face serious challenges. Previously, many industry networking engineers have seen similar mesh networking attempts fail. For example, IEEE 802.11s exists but is hardly used, and implemented only a single hop mesh topology (repeater). The key problem is that latency cannot be controlled when supporting multiple hops. So, the skepticism amongst network technology engineers around the new Bluetooth Mesh story is really no surprise.
So, bottom line, the worldwide wireless market has accepted three core IoT radio technologies, IEEE/802.11/WiFi for content distribution as we are all familiar with today, IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for sentroller networks like Smart Homes and Bluetooth, including Bluetooth Low Energy, for connectivity, personal area networks (around the smart phone) and wearables. The first two connect devices in your home to the internet, the last one mainly uses the smart phone for internet connection.
A variety of cross-over radio products
are already available from multiple suppliers: WiFi/Bluetooth,
ZigBee/Bluetooth and WiFi/ZigBee/Bluetooth. They all may not be at the
right price point yet, but the underlying message is clear: there are
three large open worldwide uniform radio communication standards that
are the cornerstones for the IoT. That is the good news.
world of IoT, short range IoT standards as available or announced today.
Networking technologies
Now the not so good news. New confusion. Over a decade ago, after the
competing radio technology conflicts ended with WiFi becoming the
winner (and HomeRF and several other technologies disappearing), a new
technology war erupted around the networking and application layers.
Today everyone is familiar with TCP/IP – and even if you have never
heard of this technology, you are using it to communicate via the web
and local networks. But to get to this stage, a battle was fought
between multiple networking standards: Novell Netware (who remembers?),
Bayan Vines, Microsoft LanManager, IBM SNA, etc. In those days, it was
as if almost every large electronics company felt that they had to make
their own personal imprint on history by defining a network layer
Frankly speaking, that is what is happening today in the IoT and Smart Home spaces. Again. Apparently, many of our industry leading companies have not learned the lesson that standards wars harm and slow down the adoption of new technologies. Apple HomeKit, Google Brillo, Qualcomm Alljoyn, Intel IoTivity and most recently: Huawei LiteOS, from the Chinese side of the house. All of these emerging application frameworks are now competing to get industry mindshare and to become the “leader in the IoT”, expecting the world to follow suit.
There is one more layer of confusion. Next to the application framework layer, there is a battle going on at the networking level. The clear contender is ZigBee 3.0 with Thread as the challenger. But even more confusing is that several key players in the Thread Group (like Freescale, ARM and Silicon Labs – notably all semiconductor companies) also have prominent leadership positions in the ZigBee Alliance (yes, it is a promiscuous world), so it looks that these technology companies are somewhat confused themselves…
Thread was announced late last year, but is still under wraps today. One can only guess what will be in there – but from what is leaking out it appears that it will be a real challenge for Thread to rise to the level of being a strong contender against ZigBee 3.0. That should not be a surprise as ZigBee 3.0 has incorporated years of experience in many application domains (lighting control, home automation, building automation, retail, etc.). With ZigBee, a very solid certification program is already up and running, test houses are signed up, and more than 1,000 ZigBee products have been certified. ZigBee has clearly become the technology of choice for many of the world’s IoT and Smart Home system makers. ZigBee also offers powerful ease-of-use features and strong security protocols. This is a major challenge to implement as sensors and edge devices usually do not have keyboards to enter security codes.
On top of that, ZigBee 3.0 supports an application library that has
lived through multiple iterations of maturation. Therefore, it is no
surprise that the Thread Group is seriously looking at adopting this
ZigBee application library to run over Thread as well. But there is
more: (1) ZigBee 3.0 is strongly anchored in the CE world with ZigBee
RF4CE and (2) also includes the ZigBee Green Power feature. Let’s give
this a closer look.
ZigBee RF4CE
ZigBee RF4CE was initially developed in the consumer electronics space
to replace the Infra-Red (IR) remote controls with radio-based remote
controls, so that aim and click would no longer be required. But since
then it has significantly evolved, and in its latest version (ZRC 2.0),
it is fully integrated with the ZigBee application library. This means
that a remote control designed for a TV or a set-top box can also
control lamps, lights, curtains, sun shades, etc. in the home. The
expectation is that over time, the consumer electronics space and the
Smart Home space will continue to overlap and merge, and ZRC 2.0 is
well positioned for that.
ZigBee RF4CE continues to provide full
backward compatibility with the legacy IR space. ZigBee remote controls
can automatically detect and download the required code-sets for legacy
equipment that requires IR. Because of all these features, as well as
its international acceptance, it is not a surprise that RF4CE makes
ZigBee a key enabler for the Smart Home, and that the Smart Home is a
major new service opportunity for the cable and TV operators!
In addition to ultra-low power requirements (comparable to Bluetooth
Low Energy, but with much better range), the key value add of ZigBee
RF4CE is its low latency. User interface devices benefit from low
latency, because they enable product builders to provide the user
immediate feedback (usually required to be less than 30 milliseconds).
Normally meshing networks (including Thread) tend to see latency going
up to hundred milliseconds or more, making the user experience quite
unpleasant. Almost everyone has had the experience of pushing a button,
nothing happens, and then pushing the button again: the light finally
turns on and then, immediately turns off again. Arggh! That is not what
happens with a wired light switch today, so nobody needs to accept this
just because “now it is wireless”. Being able to add low latency human
interface devices to the network is very key for ZigBee.
ZigBee Green Power
ZigBee 3.0 also includes ZigBee Green Power. ZigBee Green Power was
originally developed as an ultra-low power wireless standard to support
energy harvesting devices. Energy harvesting devices are devices
without batteries that are able to extract their energy requirement
from the environment (e.g. motion, light, piezo, Peltier, etc.). The
most common application is the light switch, where the flipping of the
switch generates the energy to send a communication package (“on”,
“off”, etc.) through the air and to the lamp. Green Power is especially
effective for devices that are only sometimes on the network (when they
have power). Green Power enables these devices to go on and off the
network in a secure manner so they can be off most of the time.
As an ultra-low wireless technology,
Green Power is also a very effective option when using battery powered
devices as it enables them to run off a battery for years. Green Power
also allows for low cost end nodes to communicate with the rest of the
network, specifically in situations where there is no meshing required.
All in all, Green Power is a great addition to ZigBee 3.0.
ZigBee 3.0 IP compatibility
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ZigBee 3.0 is also fully IP compatible. ZigBee devices, just like WiFi
devices, are usually connected to the internet via a router, gateway or
set-top box, and as such can be immediately controllable by any other
device that is connected to the internet, from PC, to tablet or smart
phone app, and from any place in the world. Because ZigBee is fully
WiFi and IP compatible, there is no need to have a ZigBee chip in the
phone itself in order to find and control ZigBee connected Smart Home
and IoT devices. It all happens through any web-connected hub (router,
set-top box, gateway), which means that connected PC’s and smart phones
(via WiFi or cellular) can function as dashboards, as they can find and
communicate with any ZigBee devices without a problem.
ZigBee 3.0
ZigBee 3.0 is open, universal, and complete. It is fully interoperable
with existing internet applications. It is supported by volume
shipments today, with estimates ranging from 1M units per week to 1M
units per day. There are probably already 500M ZigBee devices in the
market. ZigBee 3.0 is the optimal solution for a wide range of Smart
Home applications: lighting, security, thermostats, remote controls,
etc. ZigBee 3.0 is secure, supports battery free devices, meshing, low
latency and energy harvesting. It is unmatched and even unchallenged,
even with Thread trying. For many application builders it is the one
and only networking solution on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 radio
technology. ZigBee 3.0 will be the low-power WiFi for many of our
future IoT sense and control networks and applications.
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