
August 2016

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Recent History on How We Got to the Edge

Since every object is a real life device, programming methodologies will completely change. Every equipment manufacturer will store and build essential algorithms into their devices which will give them an edge.

Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher

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While reading our August lead article the Era of Hybrid Edge Controllers I gained a better understanding of the power of the edge. This is a very evolutionary article with a lot of  head shakes that question how we now do stuff, and is embedded with insight to the changes coming.........great stuff.

It got me thinking about a conversation Alper and I had several years ago that inspired me to write this endless article.

“The Past and Future of Control Languages”  A call to the industry to speed their evolution to open protocol for control languages

Many industry experts contributed to this never ending article. Both Alper and Toby talked to the movement to the edge in 2008 and 2009.

From this column by Toby Considine, Clouds and Rain comes this wisdom:

For Brandl, nearly everything is a cloud; only the core control processes are on the ground. I think this is right; for buildings, only the core processes, those elements on the traditional low voltage protocols such as BACnet and LON, are on the ground.

Therefore the core control language must be on the ground and closely coupled with DDC control. The optimization of this language will come from web services in the cloud.

Optimization will no longer be contained in the DDC control language.   Optimization and the necessary Interaction will come from complete web services solutions and smart grid interaction from the cloud.

The complex dynamic optimizing control coding of the past will be part of actual major equipment control and part web services.

Optimization and the necessary Interaction cannot exist with our existing proprietary control languages but only exist in a mash up of dynamic web services that will provide the results we are looking for

Alper's August 2011 article Controls Spring   What if the controls contractor had a standard open programming language?  When they are building DDC code they are actually generating the O&M manual and graphics by definition and the code is vendor independent. When the new controls contractor walks into the building, they see all the data digitally about the building. They can actually query the system. - Alper Uzmezler, BAS Services & Graphics, LLC keeps defining the future of control Languages and how they will shared between the edge and cloud.

In this 2009 article Future of Building Automation from Alper Uzmezler comes these thoughts:

Pure object oriented programming for Building Controls

Since every object is a real life device, programming methodologies will completely change. Every equipment manufacturer will store and build essential algorithms into their devices which will give them an edge over their competitors. For example, a VFD manufacturer will essentially create algorithms that will optimize their PID loops inside their equipment. Damper actuators will have more optimized PID loops based on their communication skills to the cloud.

I think this new Era of Hybrid Edge Controllers article is a evolution of the history of Alper predicted. Wow, 2009 he told us this was going to happen.

Then all he had to do was make it

I find this an interesting twist of recent history that is evolving here on our web site.

I am still smiling inside that I am reporting the history of that young energy guy at connectivity week.

Flash back to 2009

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Alper was originally unsure he would be able to attend Connectivity Week but put his life on hold to come late but to add to the YoungEnergy group and is not in the picture but as you can see by his article of last month and his reaction to the stuff he saw at CW he is positioned to change the industry. Go Alper go!

Future of Building Automation

Alper Uzmezler, BAS Services & Graphics, LLC.

It is clear that now for the history of things we need to not look too far back and those that will change the world are already in our industry.

I will say it again "He is positioned to change the industry. Go Alper go!"

In March of this year he wrote

Energy Analytics Controllers  Edge devices now have the intelligence and data storage they need for local analytics and machine decision-making. They’ll soon be the thing that the rest of the BAS universe revolves around. - Alper Üzmezler, BASSG LLC.

When people say that we are living in the post-PC era they mean that the personal computer is being eclipsed as the center of the IT universe by the smartphone. Operations technology is experiencing a similar reordering. In this new era of the Internet of Things (IoT), compute resources equivalent to a PC or smartphone are being integrated into all sorts of equipment and devices. For commercial buildings, a new category of IoT device is emerging—the Energy Analytics Controller (EAC). Smart building applications development should revolve around the enormous possibilities of these edge devices.

Fun stuff for sure


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