February 2005

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Anto BudiardjoEMAIL INTERVIEW  Anto Budiardjo & Ken Sinclair

Anto Budiardjo is President of Clasma, Inc., 
the marketing and conference company organizing BuilConn 2005 in Dallas,
 March 21-24 (www.builconn.com) and the BuilSpec Sessions

Please send comments and questions to antob@clasma.com.


We have a lot more subjects and a lot more people with deep understanding of these subjects.

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Sinclair:  You seem to have a lot of people driving BuilConn this year.

Budiardjo:  Ken, we are indeed fortunate that a significant number of key industry names have stepped up to lead the numerous tracks happening at next month’s BuilConn in Dallas. It is a reflection of the gathering momentum of this convergence subject in buildings. Very exciting indeed.

Sinclair:  What subject seems to be getting the most attention?

Budiardjo:  The application and value of convergence technology is a common theme next month; from a technology point of view, wireless will be a hot topic in Dallas, as will XML and Web services, which are still to mature in buildings. This does not undermine the usual topics such as open systems, security, energy, networks, and so on.

The one thing that glues all of these subjects together is the new player in buildings, the Enterprise. Basically, because of all of these connectivity technologies, buildings can now be a real-time player in the Enterprise systems that are driving most organizations today. For years now, the Enterprise has been connected to Finance, HR, Supply Chain, CRM as well as R&D, now facilities are part of that picture.

Sinclair:  You mentioned application and value. What do you mean?

Budiardjo:  For years now, we have talked about technology, standards, cool stuff, and the promise for intelligent buildings. I feel very strongly that it’s now time for the industry to focus on the owners, focus on how this technology is being applied for the benefit of owners, and the value it all brings to facility owners, operators, and occupants. What we are talking about here are things that can and are being applied and used today by a large number of people. Let’s get the industry to adopt a can-do philosophy and deploy all this cool stuff.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Sinclair:  In what ways are the conference sessions different this year?

Budiardjo:  Because we have a lot more subjects and a lot more people with deep understanding of these subjects, we will have a lot more tracks this year. In fact, if you include M2M, we have a total of seven tracks going on at the same time. Each of the tracks focuses on a specific subject and will feature speakers who will go into more detail than previous years.

Sinclair:  I guess people will find it a challenge to choose?

Budiardjo:  Other than making BuilConn a two-week event, I don’t know how to pack this much information into the time we have. Serious companies should study the agenda well and determine the people they should send to learn about all of this. These are all important subjects to anyone working in the buildings space.

Sinclair:  Good luck with the event.

Budiardjo:  Thanks, Ken, and as always, we appreciate your support and the support of your readers who are clearly very much in tune with the convergence issue.


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