March 2015 |
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ASHRAE From HVAC&R to Sustaining the Built Environment |
![]() Tom Phoenix, President, ASHRAE |
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When you think of ASHRAE, what comes to mind?
I’m guessing for many of you, it’s BACnet, our building automation
controls standard. Others may be familiar with our work as it relates
to building information modeling.
We’re proud of both of those but our work and our scope is far greater than you may suspect.
For more than 100 years, ASHRAE has provided guidance related to HVAC&R.
As time and technology have changed, so has ASHRAE, moving from
focusing solely on HVAC&R to providing guidance for total building
design, construction and operation, aka “the built community.”
From programs designed to encourage industry and Society involvement by
the next generation of engineers ( to specialty
conferences focused on topics that you don’t typically associate with
ASHRAE (developing economies) ( to a range
of publications focused on data centers (, the
ASHRAE of today is focused on the built environment of tomorrow.
I’d like to answer a few questions about that ASHRAE of today – the
bigger world of our Society with which you may not be familiar.
Let’s start with an easy one – give us a snapshot of ASHRAE’s membership.
ASHRAE has 53,000+ members, with 82 percent coming from the United
States and Canada, and 18 percent from outside those countries. After
the U.S. and Canada, top countries in regard to membership are (in
order) India, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates,
Pakistan, Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico and
So we’re becoming more of a global Society. In fact, ASHRAE approved
its first chapters in Japan and South Korea and its first section in
the United Kingdom.
In terms of industry classification, our members are consulting
engineers, contractors, manufacturers, design build contractors,
architects, educators, sales engineers. So again, we are made up of a
broad range of industry types – meaning the conversation around the
ASHRAE table brings a lot of different viewpoints and
experiences. You can learn more at
What are ASHRAE’s goals for the future?
This year, ASHRAE is putting renewed focus on measuring and improving
building performance. Performance has always been a priority of ASHRAE,
and is now one of the cornerstones of our newly adopted strategic plan.
The plan’s four strategic goals—connect, educate, extend and
adapt—serve as broad statements of what the organization seeks to
accomplish over the next several years.
As part of that, ASHRAE is seeking to work collaboratively within the
global community to increase the value, usefulness and accessibility of
building sciences and technology.
Here are a few examples of recent collaborative efforts.
We have joined with the International Code Council, the American
Institute of Architects, the Illuminating Engineering Society and the
U.S. Green Building Council to collaborate on the development of
Standard 189.1 for high performing buildings, the International Green
Construction Code and the LEED green building program.
We created a new alliance to serve as a global resource for
information, guidance and knowledge on indoor environmental quality.
Members of this group include ASHRAE, the American Industrial Hygiene
Association, the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, the Air &
Waste Management Association, the Indoor Air Quality Association and
We have joined with the National Association of Home Builders and the
International Code Council to jointly develop the 2015 edition of the
ICC/ASHRAE 700 National Green Building Standard.
We have joined forces with the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA),
combining resources to improve indoor air quality in the built
environment. IAQA has become a part of the ASHRAE organization while
maintaining its own brand and Board of Directors. This consolidation is
beneficial to both ASHRAE and IAQA in that it strengthens the programs
and services of both organizations.
One lesson that ASHRAE has learned over the years is that by working
and partnering with other organizations, we can build a worldwide best
practices network of innovative and successful technologies to serve
the built environment community. It’s collaboration that will help us
ensure optimal performance of the buildings we design, construct and
Speaking of improving performance, is ASHRAE still committed to furthering building information modeling?
ASHRAE sees building information modeling as an important tool that can
significantly enhance the design and construction process. This is
evident in our publications, courses and conferences.
In the area of education, ASHRAE Learning Institute has two courses
related to BIM. The first, “Introduction to BIM,” shows how BIM
provides an improved flow of data among designers, clients,
manufacturers, and building operators and promises to improve live
cycle sustainability in the construction, use and disposal of
The course was recently updated to incorporate user feedback for an improved learning experience.
The second course, “BIM: Process, Procedure and Workflow,” provides
more detail, as well as information on how to use BIM. ASHRAE hopes to
offer this course in time for the 2015 Annual Conference.
In the area of publications, in 2009, ASHRAE made available for free a
guide on building information models and building information modeling
(BIM) to serve as a resource for professionals considering BIM tools
and applications for their businesses. Since that time, An Introduction
to Building Information Modeling, has had 4,340 total downloads.
For conferences, ASHRAE has announced that its next “Energy Modeling
Conference: Tools for Designing High Performance Buildings” will take
place September 30 to October 2, 2015, in Atlanta.
The conference builds on past ASHRAE Energy Modeling Conferences by
addressing the industry need for “how to” do certain aspects of energy
and building simulation.
The conference theme is ‘Making the Difference with Modeling: From
Concept to Facility Management,’ and broadly covers modeling from start
to finish through high quality case study presentations. The conference
seeks to facilitate communication and coordination within the energy
modeling and building simulation industry and software developers to
advance the industry’s ability to better model high performance
buildings and to advance the practitioner’s understanding of the
application of existing and new tools, new technology and processes for
energy modeling, whole building simulation and building HVAC system
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This is a whole new side to the ASHRAE I remember! Has anything about ASHRAE NOT changed?
I’ve had the pleasure of being actively involved with our Society for
more than 30 years. When I think about ASHRAE, three things come
to mind: people, passion and performance. (
Our members are great people. Thanks to our members, ASHRAE is building
a worldwide best practices network of innovative people and successful
technologies to serve the built environment community.
Our membership also has great passion – I see that in how much time and
dedication our people give to writing standards, developing research,
guiding in policy and procedure, etc.
Together, our people plus their passion equal performance – whether
that’s improving the performance of our great Society or improving the
performance of building stock around the world.
I encourage you to take a look at this ASHRAE – and to lend your
expertise to ensuring a sustainable future. You can learn more at
About the Author
Thomas H. Phoenix, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, ASHRAE-Certified Building
Energy Assessment and Building Energy Modeling Professional, is
principal and vice president, Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates,
Greensboro, N.C. As ASHRAE president, his presidential theme is
“People, Passion and Performance.” In 1989, Phoenix established
the engineering department, and became a partner, in the
architectural/engineering firm of Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, PA.
His design portfolio includes schools, research and testing
laboratories, industrial manufacturing facilities and numerous
classroom, residence hall and food service projects for colleges and
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