
May 2020

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Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher

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Great resources on our COVID 19 Reboot

The World Economic Forum on Wednesday announced the creation of the COVID Action Platform.

The global platform, the first of its kind, aims to convene the business community for collective action, protect people’s livelihoods and facilitate business continuity, and mobilize support for the COVID-19 response.
The platform is created with the support of the World Health Organization and is open to all businesses and industry groups, as well as other stakeholders, aiming to integrate and inform joint action.
For more information, please visit

The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. But the sum of many individual actions by stakeholders around the world will not add up to a sufficient response. Only coordinated action by business, combined with global, multistakeholder cooperation can mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented global health emergency.

In response to this emergency, the World Economic Forum, acting as partner to the World Health Organization (WHO), has launched the COVID Action Platform. The platform is intended to catalyse private-sector support for the global public health response to COVID-19, and to do so at the scale and speed required to protect lives and livelihoods, aiming to find ways to help end the global emergency as soon as possible.


Recovery Readiness: A How-to Guide for Reopening your Workplace

As areas stabilize from the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home restrictions are lifted, organizations will begin to bring workers back into the physical workplace. It’s already begun in some parts of the world. In fact, as of April 2020, we have helped move our own employees, and those of our clients, back into more than 800 million square feet of properties globally.

The “Recovery Readiness: A How-to Guide for Reopening your Workplace,” outlines some of the best thinking and practices that our more than 53,000 professionals have compiled across the globe and also includes insights from key partners. The recommended practices and protocols already have been implemented at locations across the globe with tremendous success.

We are proud to release this comprehensive guide and look forward to connecting with you to learn more about how we can help.


Hear from members of our Recovery Readiness Task Force discuss best practices for organizations preparing to reopen workplaces.

REOPENING  The World’s Workplaces - CBRE

The implications of COVID-19 have been profound, and the path to business recovery is evolving and fluid. This briefing is for occupiers of space and landlords who manage their buildings—wherever they are in the response-to-recovery process. We are sharing our expertise and advice based on a rapidly growing body of experience, detailed guidance documents, technical specifications, protocols and tools that we have developed for and with our clients and for our own CBRE workplace.

JLL A framework for working in the next normal

For a moment in time, the world has hit pause. Things screeched to a halt as we collectively assessed the true impact of a global pandemic, all while adjusting in an instant to a new way of life. But human perseverance, sacrifice and selflessness have us moving forward to prepare for (re)entry. This journey will be bumpy and nonlinear.

Continual adaptation and response to new information and changes will be critical for success. To ensure we are ready to navigate what’s next, it’s vital that we (re)activate our spaces to balance health, safety and financial implications. And that we continue to (re)spect each other’s well-being. Preparedness, agility, and resilience will be key.

As employees and tenants begin to return to the workplace, it is extremely important that when we open the doors, we are inviting everyone into a safe environment. Together we can (re)vitalize businesses as we take a step forward intoa new and different world

BOMA Canada’s core advice to our members is that, if you suspect or are aware of a case of coronavirus in your building, call your relevant public health authority for advice and direction.

As the Novel Coronavirus (known as COVID-19) continues to spread globally, BOMA Canada is actively working to provide our membership with the most up to date information.

Members should refer to Health Canada and World Health Organization (WHO) for up-to-the minute updates and best practices.

By Justin Lee, InSite Head of Engineering


The traditional roles of on-site building engineering personnel are being challenged through reduced tenancy, closed businesses and stay at home mandates. Reimagining how legacy engineering practices and new technologies can coexist addresses a host of issues these engineering teams are currently experiencing across multiple sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Building engineering teams that are provided with digitally enabled facilities and systems are able to respond quickly and with great efficacy to the rapidly changing landscape.

The ASHRAE Position Document on Infectious Aerosols was developed by the Society’s Environmental Health Position Document Committee formed on April 24, 2017, with Erica Stewart as its chair.

Social distancing in the workplace: the new norm

How analytics and insight will help organisations implement social distancing in the workplace

As the world continues its battle with Covid-19 we are also dealing with uncertainties. How long will the lockdown continue? Is social distancing temporary or will it stay with us beyond the pandemic? When will we return to our workplaces, and when we do, how different will it need to be?

Coronavirus HR Comms & Resources Guide

This is an ongoing updated Crowd-Sourced HR communications guide initiated by a fellow recruiter, Lars Schmidt. Lars is a regular contributor to Fast Company and has spoken at such events as LinkedIn Talent Connect, Glassdoor Employer Brand Summit, and more.

Monday Live!  The urgency of the moment requires us to be agile, this group put together Monday Live! in about a week. -  Anto Budiardjo, "Facility IT Evangelist"

A live weekly open conversation with industry friends and colleagues to help us get through the pandemic and prepare for a new normal for commercial buildings post-COVID.  Mondays at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST Join live at or add to your calendar.

ControlTalk May Reboot/COVID
ControlTalkNow April
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“In a typical year you will take two million breaths in your office. This, however, is not a typical year.

As much as buildings can spread disease, if operated smartly, they can also help us fight against it. Amidst the chaos, one thing is clear: We will all go back to work with new expectations about the buildings where we live, learn, work, and play.”

—What makes an office building “healthy”

Read what James has to say good perspective

New related products

Physical distancing enabled by Xovis technology

As one of many measures suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), physical distancing plays an integral part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and stays important once quarantine and lockdowns ease. For essential businesses and public places that are still open today, but also for retail stores, restaurants, bars and other event spaces that will reopen at some point, it is now important to figure out how to ensure a safe distance between individuals and to prevent overcrowding in their premises.

Xovis technology enables businesses to comply with capacity regulations and provide a safe environment for customers with no additional entrance staff and without risking further spread of the virus through exposed staff or physical tickets. A simple screen at the entrance is enough to communicate fill levels to customers.

For more information

PointGrab launches smart sensing solution for COVID-19

PointGrab is adapting it's Smart Sensing Platform to the new COVID-19 reality, by adding functionality that helps organizations deploy an effective social distancing policy.  PointGrab is now offering a solution that can balance health regulations and business needs, allowing offices, retail locations, and factories to open up while meeting new health regulations and reducing the risk to occupants.

For more information, please visit


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