November 2008 |
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Our interview section allows busy industry leaders to quickly provide insight into rapidly evolving industry issues. If you have subject matter or industry issues you would like insight into or would like to be interviewed yourself contact us.
November 2008
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Smart Grid-Interopers Gather in
Steve Widergren, Administrator GridWise
Architecture Council
On 11- 13 November 2008 in Atlanta the second Grid-Interop forum will bring
stakeholders together to develop consensus on interoperability directions.
ZigBee’s Energy Saving Potential
Comes of Age
Alexey Rybakov, Managing
Director, MeshNetics’ ZigBit Business Unit
The ZigBee Alliance has developed a set of
energy efficient specifications
known as the Smart Energy public profile.
October 2008
Key questions every building
automation integrator should ask about OPC technology
Manny Mandrusiak, Director of MatrikonOPC. Marketing
The basic requirement of the OPC architecture is to get data from Point A to
Point B. Of course every user of the OPC system will place a different priority
on the requirements.
A Look at the Demand Response
Leighton J. Wolffe, Vice
President of Alliances and Strategy, Constellation NewEnergy
The next frontier for DR is to move beyond curtailment to
leveraging the power of building automation systems that exist within or across
collections of buildings such as a university or corporate campus. This future
frontier will involve a more holistic or enterprise level approach to energy,
referred to as Enterprise DR.
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Intelligent Buildings
Mike Williams Managing Director C.Eng. FCMA, MCIBSE, MSyI, CDC
Within an intelligent building all elements (such as lighting; heating;
security, CCTV and alarm systems; access control; audio-visual and entertainment
systems; ventilation, filtration and climate control, etc), talk to one another
over a common platform and have the ability to respond to the real-time needs of
Convergence of Green and Intelligent
Buildings Study
Ron Zimmer, President & CEO, CABA
The intent of our research is to provide documented evidence and build tools
that can be used to educate and influence end-users, building owners, architects
and contractors that a greener building can be achieved using intelligent
technology, and that this greening will provide a tangible and significant
return on investment.
OV Ready Intelligent Video Ready
Ed Troha, Director Global Marketing, ObjectVideo & Oren Feldmann, VP
Marketing and Sales EVT
OV Ready is an XML-based intelligent video network protocol that
standardizes ObjectVideo analytic rule, alert and configuration communications.
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