Some consider AI the new Devil? We need to meet, embrace, understand and kiss the Devil and make AI our friend.
We daily struggle with the known devil in our myriad of existing entanglements weaving solutions in isolation without the help of AI.

We need to learn why we should participate in Building AI?
Our June Issue was inspired by our Contributing Editor Sudha Jamthe a Technology Futurist and CEO of IoTDisruptions who mentors business leaders to learn AI and DataScience using No-Code AI, AI Ethics and Capstone AI labs
She starts the answer in the article Why AI?
AI is everywhere and there is a growing rift between AI as a technology market and AI as a business or application market. AI is pervasive, everywhere inside our bodies, in our talking to us in our homes, bringing autonomy to our cars, watching us in city traffic lights, running factors and airports and monitoring our health, moods and predicting our behaviours and pushing us to shop, listen to music, exercise and live our lives.
We have gone past the ‘why do we need AI’ to ‘why we should participate in building AI.’ As always Building is both a noun and a verb.
What is AI? Mehdi Nourbakhsh – Many definitions of it exist, but I lean towards a scientific definition of AI. In 1981, scientists Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum defined it as follows:
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior – understanding language, learning, reasoning, solving problems, and so on.”
I like this definition because it tells you that AI is a branch of science in which scientists design computer systems that mimic human intelligence.
To help you remember what AI is, I want you to think about it as a tree. This tree has several roots: philosophy, logic and mathematics, computation, cognitive science, biology, neuroscience, and evolution. The branches of this tree are sub-fields of AI, such as computer vision, machine learning, speech recognition, and synthesis, search and optimization, knowledge representation and reasoning, and robotics. Each of these branches has its own branch and sub-domain, or fields. For instance, the machine learning branch has reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning as sub-branches
On reading this interview, I got inspired by the “Tree of AI” analogy in the AI interview and made a graphic of it. Elwin McKay-Smith, Managing Director of OpSys Solutions Ltd

In the article When AI and IoT Meet Jason Pohl, Customer Success Manager adds what is AI and how does it work with IoT devices?
The combination of IoT and AI better equips building operators to analyze and optimize their buildings’ energy efficiency data. Because of its incredible ability to uncover patterns in data, artificial intelligence encourages IoT devices to act intelligently with minimal human intervention.
When a connected device detects faults in sensors, equipment, or otherwise, AI learns patterns from that data. This learning capability is what makes machine learning (ML) a subset of AI.
However, it takes the right IoT equipment to build an integrated system that leverages the energy efficiency data patterns that artificial intelligence provides.
Long time friend and industry pioneer adds in his interview Why AI in buildings? Keith E. Gipson, CEO/CTO Corp.
Keith: Sure. Ken, we’ve both been in this building controls/automation industry for decades. I “grew up” in this industry. It’s all I’ve ever done.
I’ve used the tagline #automatedautomation for a couple of years now.
Keith: Eliminate the (human) bias and the perverse incentives. Put the “machines” back in charge. The automated driving car is an overused analogy, but I think in this case, it is very much appropriate. Imagine if a manufacturer came out with a “self-driving car” – yet the caveat was that the car can’t really “drive itself”; there must always be a human operator…just in case.
This is the current state of our, so-called, “automated” buildings. They’re not autonomous. They don’t function well without constant “tweaking” and human intervention.
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OpSys Solutions Ltd is a building tech company that makes a cloud-based scheduling and billing system for after-hours HVAC requests. Visit for more info
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Our LinkedIn online group was created for discussion of our magazine created in 2010 Online Magazine Forum now has over 4700 members and has taken on a life of its own. I read the group with the same interest as everyone else to see what folks want to share what new and trending.
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Our online magazine was started 23 years ago before social media identities like, LinkedIn launched on May 5, 2003,and Twitter Twttr launched to the public in July 2006, were vehicles of how special interest folks could find each other. We are working to build bridges from our long online history of controlled blogging of ongoing industry information with these and other social media of the day. You can help as we see as a landing pad for information that needs to be shared with our industry. We never throw anything away and it always resides at the same URL.
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