April 2015 |
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– Bill East and Ken Sinclair
Bill East, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, Prairie Sky Consulting
Dr. Bill East is the
inventor of the US
National BIM standard called COBie (Construction-Operations Building
information exchange) and served as the Technical Subcommittee Chair of
the most recent US National BIM Standard. The goals of the US
National BIM Standard are to bring together complex planning, design,
construction, and O&M processes through shared, structured
information. In the first of several installments on
AutomatedBuildings, Bill will discuss the NBIMS effort and its
“Stop the Ride I Want to Get Off!
KISSing Complexity Goodbye. Part 1”
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Bill, you mentioned that reducing
complexity is the central
motivation for much of your work. Would you explain why you approached
the problem from this angle?
Our facilities are complex, and only getting more so. The
question I would like to pose is, "How much more complex do buildings
become before management of the closed loop control systems
in even our most basic buildings become untenable? -- Before
our built environments simply don't work for those who operate and use
them?" Today facility managers are unable to find the
workers needed to operate their buildings; and buildings identified
as having the highest efficiency ratings do not perform as
intended. For me, the answer is that we have already crossed this
The paradox is that our attempts to make things easier are making
things so complex that people are working harder and increasing faster
than they can keep up. In operations research, such a situation
would be called a Non-Polynomial (NP) problem – that term is shorthand
to say that realistically sized
problems are exponentially more difficult to solve, which is exactly
where we are today. Things look good in small examples, but do not work
when we scale those solutions.
Sinclair: There has certainly been a lot of work
related to design guides and
building simulations, haven’t these simplified the requirements?
The "design by checklist" approaches used around the world have
certainly raised expectations about a "greener" built environment,
unfortunately the typical implementation of such approaches has led to
lawsuits and some owners beginning to defund the use of such tools.
Regarding the energy simulation tools, I do not claim to be an
expert. All I can
do is to quote one of the leading researchers in that field who has
publically stated that if the exact same building design is given to
four different energy modellers, then you would get four very different
results. He has even stated that modellers have been known to
configure models to produce desired outcomes. If that happened in
the field of structural engineering, the entire building would fall
down. This does not mean that well-meaning people are not working
hard, it’s just that the tools that are being used do not, yet,
predict a buildings' actual behavior. We have thousands of years
of experience with structural responses – we’re just getting started in
modeling how real buildings actually perform when put into use.
With these raised expectations,
there has to be something that can
be done, before those outside the industry recognized that “the emperor
has no clothes.”
Yes there is. What we can reliably and consistently deliver on every
project (ultimately without additional cost or difficulty -- compared
to how we do it today) is to measure the differences between what a
facility was meant to do, based on the owners planned use of that
facility, and how that building is actually performing.
Comparing plan to actual is the basis
for every control system in a building. The problem is that we are
trying to control against the specification of an internally facing
closed loop control system. A system design based on only one
expectation of activity taking place in one building. What
is needed is to understand the actual behavior of a building based on its real usage.
Nest, etc..., may work for some situations but these results are far
from applicable on complex, mixed use buildings with multiple control
Having something that we can know to be true is better, at least to me,
than trying to promote something that might be inconsistently, and
incorrectly, applied.
So what you are suggesting is
another level of complexity, isn’t
it? Someone has to create that meta-control system don’t they?
No. Not if all the information required to initialize that controller
could be delivered by designers and builders as they complete a
facility, as part of those contracts and at less cost.
The standards and projects that lead to the US National BIM Standard
provide what is needed to achieve this vision. By structuring the
information flows through the facility acquisition process, we capture the information content of each of our
efforts and allow others to update that information as they perform
their work.
For example, planning information describing the expected activities in the facility and resulting
space and equipment program define the end user expectation of building
use. Today, this information is discarded.
Feedback from the equipment, assemblies, and connections (for HVAC,
Electrical, and Water Systems) that deliver needed resources are
monitored and consistently reported through a standard definition of a
control system. Liberating control system telemetry from
discreet closed loop systems and comparing that feedback with the
originally specified space and
equipment properties can be done. Before my retirement from the
Corps of Engineers my colleague at the Engineer R&D Center and I
created a common platform for the integration of all building systems
using well established big-data mathematics.
Knowing what is actually happening in real buildings creates the
opportunity for adaptive buildings and for improvement in the
underlying science.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sinclair:
Can you given an example of how
such a framework might reduce complexity?
Yes, thanks. My favorite example is when several senior citizens got
through the barriers and sensor systems at the Oak Ridge National Lab
and spray-painted protest messages on a sensitive building (look it up
on the Washington Post…). When the guards watching the bank of
monitors and sensors that reported the trespassing were ignored, the
guard said they ignore them - the deer and the squirrels set
off the alarms. No different than if I put electrical tape over
the car warning signal on the dashboard of my beater car…
The common framework being proposed allows data from multiple systems
to be merged and signals evaluated to determine if the pattern of
several senior citizens do, or do not, match the patterns coming from
deer and squirrels. Given a common framework and standard
algorithms the information can be delivered along with the keys to your
new (or renovated) building.
--- in
Bill’s next installment he’ll outline the content of the US
National BIM Standard, and related projects, work through the planning,
design and construction process to deliver real-time as-built
information ready for use during facility operations. In the third
installment, he’ll talk about results obtained when this unified
approach was tested. In the fourth installment, he’ll talk about
what first steps could be taken to capture critical information about
every as-operated building asset in the world in two years or less. ---
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