April 2018 |
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Back To BASics
– Sensors and Actuators |
Ira Goldschmidt, P.E., LEEDŽAP April Issue -
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Continuing last month’s “Back to Basics” theme, I’d like to address the devices
that make closed-loop control work. As discussed, control loop
algorithms are implemented by software within a BAS controller.
However, the input and output signals associated with the loops are
from the sensors and to actuators that are mounted on/near the
controlled equipment. These are the most important part of what
is typically referred to as the “field devices” portion of a BAS.
Sensors provide the
“controlled variable” signal input to the algorithm. These
devices always provide a varying signal (i.e., they are not on/off
devices) and are mostly for temperature or pressure measurement.
Airflow and CO2 sensors are becoming more prevalent; and humidity,
level, etc. are also used in some applications.
Temperature sensor selection involves the least challenge of the input
field devices. Thermistors or RTD’s are essentially all that is used,
both of which have a varying resistance vs. temperature and can be
readily read by BAS inputs without the need for “transmitter”
electronics to amplify or convert the sensor’s low-level signal.
Most BAS’s are designed with a resistance-to-temperature lookup table
so that one of these (along with one of the myriads of versions of each
type) are most-easily accommodated. Therefore it is best to just
specify a reasonable accuracy for these sensor types (i.e., +/-0.5°F)
and let the contractor use the sensor technology/type designed for the
BAS. More importantly is to specify where/when the various types
of sensor configurations are to be used; i.e., surface wall-mount,
flush wall mount, pipe insertion (a strap-on should rarely be allowed),
single point duct, extended duct averaging and outside air with
The other sensor types involve a much greater variety of sensing
technologies, accuracies, and costs for the engineer to choose
from. They also include a transmitter to output (most typically)
a 0-5vDC signal readily used by BAS input, so a BAS’s sensor signal
“preference” is not the issue. Instead, a cost/benefit approach
for selecting the best sensors for each client/project/application is
Actuators are the field
devices (along with the associated dampers and valves) that receive the
output signal determined by a control algorithm. VFD speed
control signaling has also become a common output for modulating
control; and two-position control more often than not is used for
turning on/off fan motors, DX compressors, etc. However, these
latter items are not BAS “field devices” and are not normally spec’d
with the BAS. So, actuator specification/selection is important
to the success of closed-loop control.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Two-position
actuators (i.e., that either fully open or close the damper/valve)
typically actuate based on the absence or presence of a 24 or 120vac
signal, whereby the energized motor (or other positioning technology)
is operating against a spring (or closes from the force of the spring
when de-energized). Solenoid valves are a good example of a
common combination two-position actuator/valve. There are also
actuators with bi-directional motors that must be controlled by two BAS
outputs (one to open the actuator the other to close it). These
are sometimes called “floating” or “three-wire” actuators and are
rarely used except for VAV box dampers.
Modulating actuators use a variety of motor and position feedback
technologies such that the technology used often is considered
proprietary to each actuator manufacturer. Therefore, it is
probably more important to stick with a known manufacturer rather than
to delve into the technological specifics. However, there are a
few issues that are important. First, the actuator should use a
0-10vdc input signal. More importantly is the ability of the
actuator to provide many steps of positioning (aka “resolution” for
which 100 steps is common). There are other specs to consider
when the associated damper/valve behavior is also considered but this
will be covered in another column,
What About Pneumatic Actuators?
Many assume that “DDC” means electronic actuation, but that’s simply
not true. Pneumatically actuation was the standard approach for
DDC control until electronic actuator technology became reliable and
cost-effective around the turn of the century. Even today
pneumatic actuation is typically less expensive than electronic, but an
additional (and costly) device is needed to convert the BAS’s
electronic output to a pneumatic signal. However, applications that
require fast actuation (e.g., lab pressure control) may still benefit
from pneumatic actuation.
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